A disasterous end to a good day (part 1)

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I was sat in my room in Malfoy Manor getting ready for the ball that was to take place that evening. I was nearly ready when Narcissa waltzed in, making me jump.

"Are you ready dear?" She asked me in a soft tone. "Yes, Mrs Malfoy" I replied, " I just need to put my shoes on"
"Call me Narcissa" she said. I only nodded.

She stayed in my room until I had slipped on my heels then took my arm and led me out on to the main hallway where Draco and Lucius were waiting. "It is a tradition" she told me," That the host family makes a grand entrance."
" Even though this is more a party than a ball" Lucius continued," We would like to carry the tradition on."

We walked down the corridor in a line until we reached the door to the ballroom. I could tell that it was a big party as the music and chat was blaring through the heavy, wooden doors.

As we reached the doors, Draco and Lucius left the line and held open the door for me and Narcissa. She took my arm and we began to slowly walk through the door. As we passed Draco and Lucius they each fell into a half bow. Once we were through, they both rose and took their places beside us. Narcissa taking her arm away from mine and instead holding Lucius's. I copied and did the same for Draco.

I could feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach as we desended down the long flight of sweeping stairs. The rate at which we were walking was enough for me to survey the guests. I saw my friends and their families, teacher from Hogwarts. Even families with children in other houses. Then I saw a head of ginger. And another, and another. Weasleys. And if they were there then...

I spotted a mop of untidy black hair and nearly jumped. Harry Potter. The one person I didn't want to see tonight. Hopefully he will ignore me. But with my luck I highly doubt it.

I feel Draco tense beside me and I know that he has seen Potter too. He slips a protective arm around my waist and , as we get down the last step, drags me over to where our friends are waiting. We chat for what seems like minutes but in reality in a couple of hours when when music suddenly cuts out and the band plays a dancing tune.

Draco takes my hand and leads me towards the dance floor and we begin to dance. After what seems like seconds someone calls out " men switch partners" and Draco l leaves me with a quick peck on the lips. Luckily, my next partner is Liam and for the brief dance, we talk like usual until I catch him staring over at another couple almost jealously. On second glances, I see that it is Astoria and a boy I don't recognise.

"Do you think I should ask her to dance when we swap ?" He asks me.  "Definitely, go for it!" I tell him. When the call comes, I push him in the right direction so he doesn't chicken out. I become so preoccupied in them that I don't notice that someone takes my hands and begins to dance. I don't notice until he slaps me in the face to get my attention.

I turn around to face them, my hand to my cheek as I face Ron. He smirks at what he has done then continues to dance. I am about to pull away from him when the lights go out...

Read the next part to see what happens

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