Alexandria Quinn Found

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What does it feel like to know something else is out there? How do you know what to do when you're in danger? You just do, right? It's an instinct, you just know how to protect yourself.

(Carrie's Pov)

I sat on the couch with my warm cup of coffee in the quiet before everyone started to wake up, thinking of how life has been the last 4 years.
Why do people have to be so evil and ruin others lives. I just hope my daughters safe... I let out a soft sigh and switched on the tv to the news channel,

*TV News Reporter* "A young girl reported missing at the age of 14 was found late last night in the basement of her kidnapper.

Cops surrounded the outside of the house after the neighbors reported sounds of a female screams. Two suspects found in the house aparently beating the young girl who appears to be 18 years old, brown hair and blue eyes.
Cops say the young girl is believed to be Alexandria Quinn...." I dropped my coffee cup on the ground as it shattered into pieces and the hot coffee spilled everywhere as the news reporter said her name.

"Carrie, carrie!" I heard someone trying to get my attention, it was my husband, Mike. "Honey are you alright? You were in a complete daze.." I slightly turned my head to look my husband right in the eyes. "She's alive..." was all i could say, I didnt know what to but just sit there without a word.

~Four Months Prier~
*3rd person, Alexandria*

She sat there in the chair by the basement window staring out at the pouring rain, everyday seemed like a rainy one, four years of her life, gone. She missed her old life, her parents, her siblings, friends, family.
She wanted nothing more than to be with her parents again. She was constantly scared, a single tear ran down her cheek like the rain on the window, she had almost no tears left, yet she was always crying.
Everytime she was attacked she cried, those men thought she was a toy, a game, just something to be played with. She's fragile, she's not a toy, she's beautiful in her own way, but now she's scared of life.

*First person, Alex*
That same old window, this same old chair, the same old scars bumps cuts and bruises, the same old tears I cry.
I used to be free and happy and now im not, im stuck in these same old walls ive been trapped in for four years. The only time I have ever left this stupid basement was to do that stupid pregnancy test I was forced to take. 2 months pregnant and they still hurt me.
I just want to go home. I'm 18 today, my birthday another year gone by another day I should be celebrating with my family, but I dont have them.
They probably just moved on and forgot about me anyways, I'm the second born so the oldest kids usually already has their own lives, I could be in college, I could've graduated from highschool but I would never be able to have any of that.
My life? My life is over, gone, it disapeared into the winds and will never return.


*First person, Carrie*
"What are you talking about Carrie?" My husband said in disbelif of what I said, all I could do was point to the tv where there put on the screen was the picture of our 14 year old baby Alex. Mike looked at the tv taken back for a moment.
As we both sat their in silence neither of us not knowing what to do, there was a knock on our front door. "Mike you get it, I have to cleam up this mess." I jumped out of my trance as my husband stood up "no, I'll clean it up honey, you go grt the door."
I nodded my head as I stood up and walked to our front door, taking a deep breath before answering it.
Standing there were two cops one car with their lights flashing. "Are you Mrs. Fisher?" I stood there for a moment not really knowing what to do or say. "Yes, can I help you?" I looked the speaking cop right in the eye. "I believe we have found your daughter." I started to cry right in that instant I just broke down.
*First person, Mike*

I heard my wife start to break down and I knew she needed me. I walked to the door way seeing the two cops in uniform standing there, wrapping my arms around my crying wife we stepped outside with the cops.
"What's the issue?" I asked clesr at whatever was said upset my wife. "No issue, we just believe we have found your, your daughter. We just need it to be confirmed by the picture we have if her." I nodded my head. "Let's see it."
The other cop disappered to the car. "You may need to sit down." He added, and i helped carrie to the bench and sat down next to her as the other cop came back with a picture and handed it to me. "Carrie look."
We both looked at the picture of the beaten girl with cuts and bruises, but we instantly knew. "That's her, thats my baby girl." Carrie broke down even more at the sight of the picture and i held her even tighter.

*3rd person*
Mike and Carrie gathered their things and hopped in Mike's truck following the cop car as they were being escourted to the hospital their daughter was at.
Carrie called her best friend Ivey, telling her what was going on and asked her to go to her house and watch the 3 other children they had. Next carrie called her oldest son Isaiah.
"Isaiah, what are you doing right now?" Carrie's voice was weary as she spoke to her son over the phone.
"I need to you come to the North Valley Tennessee Hospital." Isaiah instantly knew something was wrong but he didn't know what. "Why?" Carrie sighed, "they found Alex..." she said softly, and the next thing she knew the phone call was over.
"What did he say?" Mike asked "he asked why, and then the phone went dead. I know i should be giving them time and space with the new baby an..." Mike stopped her.
"Nonsence, Alex and isaiah ar, were inseperable he would be angry if we didnt tell him." Alex was 8 years behind Isaiah but ever since she was born he was always protecting his baby sister, they are best friends. Carrie nodded in responce and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride, to the hospital.

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