Chapter 7

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"Hey baby! What are you doing?"
"Not much just hanging on the bus until we reach our next venue." I am currently laying on my bunk talking on the phone with my mom.

"How's the tour going so far? Is everyone behaving?"
"It's pretty good so far, it's crazy getting to perform in front of a huge crowd like this. But I'm getting sick of this bus, and yea everyone is behaving themselves. So how's everyone?"
"They're good, Carter is going to be stationed in Japan once he gets back to base next week. So it will be a while before we can see him again. And he has to get a new phone for over there, I'll send you the number once I get it."

My brother Carter is a Marine, he joined right after he graduated high school just like our father. Carter is 3 years older than me, my sister Reagan is 10 months younger than me, and my brother Reed is 6 years younger than me. We are all really close though.

"That sucks, but I bet he's excited."
"Oh he definitely is. Reagan is well Reagan, she got in trouble at school again today for running her mouth, I swear that girl doesn't know how to let things go. That mouth of hers is going to get her in trouble one of these days."
"What was it about this time?"
"Some girl in her class called Reagan a slut, and she just went off. She didn't hit her this time thank god, it was only a verbal fight."
"I'd be pretty pissed if I was Rea too."
"Yea well I'm pissed but I'm not going to try to fight the girl. Anyways, Reed is just hanging out around the house with his friends like usual, although I think he has a girlfriend or is trying to get one anyways."

"What the hell no way! He's too young! Tell him I said no!"
"He's fine Carson, trust me, I'm more worried about the rest of ya'll's relationships than his. He's 11 all they do at that age is hold hands."
"He's still too young!"
"Fine, what about dad? How's he doing?"
"Fine, working a lot, I swear he is always on call and they always need him."

After retiring from the Marines my dad became a lineman, and now he is a Forman for his company which comes with better pay and bigger headaches.

"That sucks. Alrighty well I gotta go, I'm going to try to get into the bathroom before the boys for once. Tell everyone I said hi and I love them!"
"Alrighty baby, I will and we all love you too."

After hanging up the phone I grab some clothes to Chang into and my toothbrush and head to the bathroom which is thankfully empty. Today I dress in a yellow sundress with sandals, curl my hair, and put just the bare minimum of makeup on. There really isn't a point in getting too dolled up because the stylists are just going to change it tonight anyways.

Eventually we arrive at the venue and once all my band mates are up and dressed we set up our live stream in the back of the bus. Not much is going on so there is no reason for an update but it's still a fun way to connect with our fans and answer their questions.

"Alrighty guy's we're live." Cam say's after setting up the laptop, coming to sit with the rest of us on the couch.

"Hi, I'm Carson welcome to our video." I wave to the camera.
"Kyle" Kyle nods his head in that 'what's up' gesture.
"Im Logan!"
"And I used Logan's toothbrush this morning."
"What the fuck? You did?"
"Hey mine fell in the toilet, I figured using your toothbrush was better than not using one at all."
"Not for me! Now I gotta buy a new toothbrush, no wait you are buying me a new toothbrush."
I smack them both upside the head before glaring at them.
"Right back on track, I'm Mikey!"
In unison we say "And we're Thrasher"
"Alrighty, so there really isn't anything new to update y'all with. We're on tour with Syler and Organized Chaos which you all know. If we haven't made it close to you yet make sure you buy your tickets. Click on the link at the bottom of this video and it will take you to a page you can buy them from." Cam start's us out.
"Now time for a little Q&A, tweet your questions with the hashtag 'MikeySucks" and we will go through and answer as many as we can. So go ahead and tweet and we will give y'all a few minutes to do so." Logan say's smiling sweetly at Mikey.

While we give our fans some time to tweet us Logan and Mikey argue while the rest of us figure out the order of reading the tweets. It's going to go from left to right, Cam, Kyle, me, Logan, and then Mikey. We will go in this order until our time for questions runs out.

"Alright first question, @futuremrsbrooks asks 'Logan if you had to choose between eating fish or burgers for the rest of your life which would you choose?' Well Logan?"
"First I love your name, second I would definitely choose burgers."
"Second question is from @melstar21
'Carson which one of the boys would you date and why?' Good question"
"Honestly none of them appeal to me, I've known them for so long they are like brothers to me. Now third question @thrashernumone asks 'are you all single?' I am, boys?"
They all say yes nodding their heads.

"Okay fourth question from @mrsblake 'who is the messiest bandmate?'"
We all look to each other before laughing and saying Kyle's name to which he just shrugs.

"Fifth question, @loganlover asks 'what's the hardest thing about being on tour?' Well for me it's finding time to eat."
"Mikey you are literally always eating, you just ate chips before this video started" Logan points out.
"Yea but I'm hungry a lot."
"Okay, whatever, for me it's hardest to try to sleep when everyone else in the bus is awake and being loud."
After Logan finishes it's my turn.
"Definitely having to share a bus and one bathroom with 11 teenage boys."
"No solitude. Everywhere you go someone is always there. Even our bunks are stacked so close it's impossible to be alone." Kyle of course say's this. Our band mate who loves to be alone.
"And mine would have to be....other people picking out what I wear on stage."

The questions continue, some are more boring than others while some are just down right intrusive like this one person asked if Cam would send her nudes. Like no hashtag sorry not sorry. We wrap up the questions and talk about our tour dates before signing off.

"Alrighty, now that that's over with let's head to the arena it's almost time for soundcheck." Kyle says getting up and walking out the door leaving us to follow.

"Alright that was great! Now I need y'all to head to ya'll's dressing room, wardrobe is already there to get ya'll ready. We will be staying at a hotel tonight because y'all will all be doing radio interviews tomorrow morning at 9'o'clock. So be respectful of the other guests and don't trash anything." With that Matt walks off to go talk to some roadies.

I'm so excited I'm going to get to sleep in a real bed tonight and I can take a nice long shower instead of rushing through one at the venue, I haven't used the one in the bus yet and won't until it's absolutely necessary. And I'm going to order room service and swim in the pool and oh my gosh there are tons of stuff I want to do.

"Yes! Food on demand tonight guys!"
"Of course that's what you're excited about Mikey. I am personally excited to sleep in an actual bed. Oh and since we'll be here a while Mikey you can run out and get me my new toothbrush." Logan claps him on the back a little harder than necessary by the face Mikey makes. Leaving the two to bicker Cam, Kyle, and I head to our dressing room to get ready.

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