Self esteem

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So if you are ever self conscious about your look or weigh; about your sexuality or gender, just listen to this, I may be skinny, but that's because I don't get enough nutrients, so if you are over weight it may be because you get enough nutrients or you were born like that. And if anyone doesn't like that about you, that person doesn't deserve you. A person should love you for your attitude and personality; for how you act around others; for how you act around somebody that hates you. They should not love you only for your looks or your weight. If someone insults your sexuality or gender, stand up to them; do it because that person should be brought down from their pedestal that they are better than everyone else, when they are not. The only people who are better than others are those that don't make fun of others; those that are accepting of everyone no matter their gender or sexuality or race. Even then, they are still equal to everyone else; because we are all just human. You may be one person but it only takes one person to change the course of history. The question is Will it be you? You may have low self esteem, but others do to, and some people don't care and will treat you like you are human, which you are. Don't let others rule your life, let you rule your life.

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