You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye

Start from the beginning

"Mouse." Jay nodded, waving at his best friend. "Antonio, Kevin." He sighed. Jay was not good at a few things and one of them was talking in awkward situations.

The three walked onto the elevator, standing to the side of Erin and Jay, Jay's hand holding Erin's. "So, how is your honeymoon going." Antonio spike up, breaking the ice, tension filling the closed space.

"It's going great." Erin smiled, gripping harder onto Jay's hand. Erin had been in awkward situation before, but this? This was the worse. Some of her and Jay's closest friends walking into the elevator coming to the scene of Jay and Erin extremely PDA. It could've been worse. It could have been Hank. That would've required an ambulance, as Hank would have killed Jay.

"Great." Kevin nodded. The rest of the elevator ride was silent.

"You won't tell Voight, right?" Jay asked. He wanted to tell Voight.

"Not our secret to tell." Antonio replied as the two groups parted ways.

As soon as Jay and Erin got to the restaurant and seated, they finally started talking again. "So..." Jay looked up at Erin, who was currently pondering on what to get. 

Erin looked up, shaking her head. "Spit it out, Jay."

Jay sighed. He didn't know how to start this conversation off. He wanted to know what Erin wanted in the future. Ever since Damien asked him about kids, that's all he could think about. A wedding. A family. A house. A life. A future. "Tonight I brought you here," He gestured to the ocean, only yards away. They were at a uptown Italian restaurant, and were seated outside with a ocean view. "To talk. It's a beautiful sight, and I know how much the sound of waves calm you. Ever since I laid eyes on you I knew you were the love of my life. I want to know what you want in the future, from me."

Erin's eyes widened, and she shut the menu, taking a sip of her water. "Jay?" She hated this feeling, she had never felt it and had no idea how to handle it.

Love. The feeling when you know you found the one. You are loved by an incredible human being, and don't know how to express your feeling towards one another. That is what Erin was feeling at the moment. True love.

"Jay." Erin took a deep breathe, something she mastered at the age of fifteen when Hank Voight took her in. Jay reached across the table, taking ahold of Erin's hand, caressing the top of it.

"Are you okay? Was it too soon?" Jay's eyes became wide, realizing this could have been too soon.

"I'm more than okay. I love you so much. I'm not really good at this stuff, but I know one thing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We wasted a whole year just being friends, partners. I will shout my love for you from the rooftops, I will." Erin's whole face glowed with love, and so did Jay's. They both were finally happy. Neither of them thought this day would ever come, but God took care of them.

The night at Erin's apartment, back to Jay and Erin's conversation about Ross and Rachel, came to Jay's mind. Everything has a time and a place. Today was their place, their time.

"Jay?" Erin glanced up from her plate of spaghetti, twirling the noodles into her fork.

Both of them had remained fairly quiet the past twenty minutes, waiting for their food, each of them stealing glances at each other every so often causing the other one to grin.

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