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Callie Schofield has been haunted by demons since she was six years old. Covered from her collarbones down in thick, painful scars, she cannot leave the safety of her own room without a knife and conservative clothes to hide the marks the devil gave her.

A new boy at Callie's high school has been contributing to her everlasting problems. Callie is not ready to commit herself to anyone, let alone a boy she barely knows. The boy, Harry, just won't leave her alone - even though she's left him multiple signs that she just wants to be left alone. He's far too committed for his own good, for he knows nothing of what she lives with.

As Harry and Callie's relationship advances, Callie finds herself changing. The demonic encounters are increasing in frequency, and her scars have begun changing in temperature. As if the pain of the scars wasn't enough.

Harry has invited himself into the life of demons. Callie has been dealing with it her whole life, but he hasn't. How will he deal? Can he? Or will he crumble before she can save him?


Hostile Veins by drunkenlourry
All rights reserved



Callie Schofield / 17

Callie Schofield / 17

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Harry Styles / 18

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Harry Styles / 18

Harry Styles / 18

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Akhila Ahouré / 18

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Akhila Ahouré / 18

Other characters will be introduced as the story progresses

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Other characters will be introduced as the story progresses.

Enjoy! :)

hostile veins (h.s)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt