3 Years

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Louis first memory of Zayn and himself is when he was three. He knew they’d always been neighbors, their parents had lived right next door years before either of them were born, but his first real memory, one he could actually talk about without having to ask someone was of the day Zayn’s mom had to go out of town for the night and Jay volunteered to babysit.

He remembers this one the most, because it was possibly the most heartbreaking day of his life, even at a mere three years old. It was the first time he’d seen Zayn cry. Tricia had been called to go to work an away shift overnight with one of the doctors, and being her best friend and neighbor, Jay had been quick to take on the responsibility of Zayn for the night.

When a barely two year old Zayn noticed his mum trying to leave the Tomlinson house, his lip began to quiver. She’d left him plenty of times, but she’d packed his night bag that she only ever used when he was going to stay with his grandma.

“Mommy, where go?” Zayn asked loudly, running over to Tricia and wrapping his arms around her legs. Tricia sighed and picked Zayn up, holding him close to her chest.

“Mommy is going somewhere for a few minutes. I’ll see you soon, yeah?” Tricia spoke quietly, soothing Zayn a bit.

He nodded. “No night night? Zayn go night night and mommy?” He asked quietly. Jay and Louis were watching a few steps away, but Zayn paid them no attention, more focused on if his mom was going to come back for him.

Tricia sighed again and set Zayn back on the floor. “How about you go play, and I’ll be back in a little bit.” At the mention of playing, Zayn’s eyes lit up ad he smiled big.

Louis, loving that word just as much, took Zayn’s hand and together they ran into the living room, digging around in the big box that held most of Louis toys. They played with the Transformers happily. Until they heard a loud rumble outside and stood to look out of the low set window.

The car that was beside Louis mum’s was pulling away and driving down the road. Tricia’s car. Louis looked over hearing little noises coming from the side of him. Zayn was about to cry, and then he was. His tears were streaming fast and wet down his face.

Louis was upset, this had never happened when Zayn came to play before. So he went over to his toy box and pulled out the Bumble Bee car, Zayn’s favorite. He tried to hand it to him, hoping it’d make it feel better. But Zayn only cried louder.

Jay ran into the living room, and when she saw Zayn staring down the road in the direction where his mom had driven off, she turned and went into the kitchen. She grabbed a can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli’s and poured half of them into Louis orange bowl and the other half into the blue bowl Zayn liked to use when he ate at their house.

As she was putting the two small bowls into the microwave to warm up, Louis walked into the kitchen. “Mum, Zayn mommy come back?” He asked, walking over to his mom, who picked him up and sat him on the counter.

“Yes, baby. Zayn’s mommy is gonna be back, but she had to do something for a bit.” She assures her son, smiling.

Louis nodded. “Her love Zayn?”

Jay laughed. “Of course Zayn’s mommy loves him, just like I love you, Lou.” She said, trying to kiss his cheek. Louis turned his head defiantly, making Jay laugh at the strange child.

“Zayn mommy love Zayn more Louis love Zayn?” He asked curiously. His eyebrows furrowed when his mom nodded. He was thinking if it was actually possible for anyone to love his friend more than he did. “Louis down.” He said, frowning.

Jay set him onto the floor and Louis walked calmly back into the living room. He saw Zayn, still sitting and looking out the window crying softly. He walked over and sat beside him, grabbing his hand like his mommy did to him when he was sad.

“Zayn mommy come back, her love Zayn.” He said matter-of-factly. Zayn looked up at him and sniffled, his eyes sparkling with tears. “Louis mommy say Zayn mommy love Zayn more Louis love Zayn.”

Zayn sniffled again and scooted closer to Louis, laying his head on his shoulder. “Zayn mommy do love Zayn. Louis love Zayn, too?” Zayn asked.

Louis nodded and looked at Zayn. “Louis love Zayn lot. Zayn and Louis best friend.” He said, like it was obvious. “Louis and Zayn together ever and ever.”

“Ever and ever.” Zayn repeated, smiling.


A/N: hahah, i suck okay! so many stories, and this has been sitting, waiting to be posted for like, over a month okay! i just finished writing it though, so hush.

dedicated to @cstyles101 for the amazing cover! thank you hun!

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