-5 in the morning-

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So, apparently my dog think it's okay to scoot, lick his paws, scratch himself, etc. when it's night and nobody is up.

What my dog doesn't know is that every time he does these things he makes a noise and I can hear it, I know he's doing it. I know he's doing something he's not supposed to.

The thing is, said noise drives me fucking nuts and the more I try to ignore it the more prominent it becomes and it annoys the fuck out of me.

Apparently my dog didn't think anybody would bust through that gate at 5:00 in the morning, I've only been awake for, like, three seconds mind you, and slam their fist against the cage with their barely awake self.

Why did we have to get a bulldog? They're the most loud, annoying, stupid, fucking retarded things in the world. I don't hate a lot of animals so it says a lot for me to be annoyed with this.

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