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School in two weeks

I'm stress cleaning/organizing

I've set up outfits for the first two weeks of school


I also have to go to my bratty cousins birthday party tomorrow

Their house is filthy and there will be lots of people ugh crowds

Everything is gonna be dirty and sweaty

I miss the really big piggy they used to own

The poor thing loved me to pieces and the feelings were mutual

But they have doggos and chickens that I'm looking forward to holding/petting/feeding

If you want me to go somewhere or do something just bribe me with animals or water, I'll also never pass up a chance to clean

Tbh I feel like Levi. Not only am I short af, but I almost always look serious and I have a tendency to call people a brat. I also love cleaning.

Fluff Da PoliceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang