Night 2

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Waaaaaah I don't want to go to work waah. Sob Sob here the pizzeria of doom is. Here is my evil damp office I will be in for the horrible night. It's 12:10 I'm late for work. RING RING oh hi phone guy. "Umm hello hello any there oh hello welcome to your second night! Great job with your first night! Oh you know Pirate fox? Well  beware of him if you see him in the vents stomp on it. Be don't throw paper at him if he is in the hall. Hide under your desk and shine the light at him. Well have a great night good night."
Click empty and empty at least I can enjoy the McDonald's I got on the way. I'll just look at the cameras. Spiring is in the dinning room. Where is Fox guy? He is dancing?! That's odd ballerina fox. Oh as long as he isn't... Oh No it's Spiring paper paper go away! Click good he's gone. Dum done diddly dum dum. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! He's right in front of my desk in my office. Paper in your face man. He's gone yes! That was close. I hate you Faz bear stay away! Click fox guys in the hall. Hide under my my desk. He's gone good! Ding Dong Night over YAWN good night!

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