Chapter Two

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Scratching her side boob, Kali Loklear yawned and stumbled into the brightly lit kitchen. She squinted at the morning sunlight, and her nostrils prickled at the sharp tang of percolating coffee.

At least it was warm. Not that her toes would have been cold, she was wearing her favourite socks, and the HeatMe was up full blast.

She shuffled past her father pausing to kiss his temple. Dark hair peppered with silver tickled her nose. He patted her hip affectionately, eyes glued to his TalkMe, and the news feed scrolling across the screen.

Kali’s voice was rough with sleep when she croaked, “Sunshine, Papa.”

Coffee cup to his lips, Creighton’s olive eyes flicked up. The cut of his strong jaw softened. The laughter lines carved into his cheeks, and the charming wrinkles creasing the corners of his eyes relaxed as he gifted his daughter with the gentlest of looks. A familial caress tinged with wonder that showed he thought his child a miracle.

“Sunshine, princess. What mischief are you plotting to give me gray hairs with today?”

Hopping onto the stool, Kali laid her diamond-shaped face on the cool surface. She tucked her fisted hands into her stomach. “Mischief? Me?” She snorted. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ll be watching HoloVids and eating leftover dumplings.”

Creighton allowed his gaze to lift to his daughter’s face again. “Do you want me to call your father in here?”

“No,” she muttered and slouched into herself, concaving her stomach and arching her back. Kali sat up. Smiling brightly, she attempted to look motivated when what she wanted to do was curl up on the island and use her father’s arm as a pillow. “Today is going to be spent trolling the IntraWave, applying for employment and eating the bountiful tray of fruit you see before you.”

“Stellar girl.” Creighton took a sip of the liquid sloshing in his transparent mug. Sucking a breath through his teeth at the bitterness, he flicked the tip of his finger across the screen of his TalkMe. He frowned at what he read, muttering about inflation or some such.

Kali grabbed an open box of cereal and grimaced as she shook it. As soon as she touched the box, it turned her favourite shade of green, and an advertisement for the latest MiniComUni design flashed up.

Creighton caught the advert. “You need a new ComUni?”

“I was browsing the other day with Max. He wanted my opinion, my unit is standard.”

“I created breakfast for you. Check the FeedMe.”

She wiggled happily in her seat. “Yum.” Sliding off her stool, she padded around to give him a goodly smacking kiss on the cheek.

Kali all but danced to the machine to find a trio of golden dumplings on a pristine ceramic plate.

Her father spoiled her. She threw an adoring look over her shoulder.

From the CoolIt, she grabbed a jar of chocolate spread and a jug of juice already created in the MakeIt, which was great. She hated fiddling with the settings; she never got ingredients amalgamated in the MakeIt tasting good.

Creighton managed a veritable art form when he created meals.

She picked up the knife thoughtfully left on the side for her. Dipping the dumplings straight into the jar would have been her next move, but her father would blow bosons if she did that in front of him.

She used her hip to close the CoolIt door, and her foot to flip the FeedMe closed.

Apprehension tingled. She set the stuff down to open the doors twice more. Hugging the food to her chest, she returned to the island in the middle of the room. Dumping it all, she brought the juice jug to her lips.

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