Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams and ElishaHilker

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My zoning out plan didn't even last until the very first bell. I was walking to meet Kade and Georgia in the library and an angry pang had me running in the opposite direction towards the god awful boys restrooms. Up the stairs I pushed through all the people and stumbled inside, hoping that it would be empty in there.
Thankfully there was nobody else in sight but that didn't keep the experience from being possibly the most embarrassing ones of my life.
First bell finally did go after some time, and I was still sitting there wondering whether or not it was safe to move. Hearing the bathroom door open as students hoping to duck out of class entered brought the decision on quickly and I lethargically hoisted up my trousers. I flushed the loo and washed my hands before heading back out into the busy halls, feeling no less than revolting and all kinds of awful.

Walking in to Chemistry it felt like everyone was looking at me. They probably weren't, but I still felt the heat rush to my face as I ducked my head down and hurried to my seat. My stomach felt even worse now, I swore the sounds it was making were grossly audible and the twisting was just getting more and more painful.

And as lonely as it felt sitting there alone, I was glad Kade was off traveling with his family. It meant that I didn't have to bother explaining myself or attempt to be my usual self. I could literally feel my own heat billowing from beneath my skin and I definitely did not feel up to fluent conversation.

I was worried about lasting the day, to be totally honest.

The teachers voice kind of faded into the background as she started to ramble on. In the beginning I managed to scrawl down the notes she was reading aloud from the board. My gut then cramped hard and my pen cracked in my hand as the other tightened around my T-shirt. The pain dulled almost as quickly as it had struck and I found myself almost falling asleep. My hand stopped working and I gave up on trying to force it across the page. My head dropped forward to lay on my desk.

Luckily the teacher was facing the board and she didn't tell me off or anything.

In the end the thing that made me pick my head up was the need for another bathroom trip, hardly half way through the period. I threw my hand up to ask to leave and then was out of there faster than I would at the end of a really shit day.

Leaving the bathroom felt just as horrid as it had the first time and going back into class was an even worse experience. I was seriously starting to get frustrated at mum and Dad, hardly containing myself from letting my agitated thoughts spill out loud in a series of psychotic mutters. If they'd just taken me seriously that morning I wouldn't be in this situation. Instead I'd be at home, in bed, napping. It sounded far more comfortable than this was.

I thought about going to whine to the nurse. I didn't feel like surviving a English lesson and my head was beginning to thud. She'd listen to what I had to say and probably call Dad, only for him to laugh and tell her about my apparent try at avoiding that damn French test. It would be pointless.

On my way to English I tried ticking through everything I was supposed to know for this test but it was impossible. I had no clue where to start and everything felt like one big, foggy, mess. I was going to fail the worst I ever had in my life. The test wasn't a big deal or anything, just an end of topic kind of thing, but I usually did pretty well on the subject and I knew my teacher would have high expectations. She was going to be pretty confused when grading my test after all of this is over.

I collected myself outside of my English classroom for a few moments. I could just revise at lunch, and then hopefully not do so awfully that it resulted in an awkward conversation with my French teacher about the day I had the shits.

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