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I slowly opened my eyes and squinted from the bright light of the sun coming through the curtain. I completely opened my eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the light.

I looked off to the side at my bedside table. I looked at the clock to see what time it was.


"Shit im late.." I quickly sat up to be pulled back down by someone. I look over to see Logan with his eyes closed with a slight smirk on his face.

"I have to get up Logan, im late for school " I said in a worried tone.

"Its satrday Luna"  He said While putting his arm back around my waist.

"Oh" I said while feeling incrediblely stupid.

We laid in silence for a while before I said something.

"Well im already awake so.." I put my hand on my forehead, and then flopped it down to my side.

I went to sit up once more before i felt Logan put his hand on my chest and slowly push me back down while he got on top of me and hovered so we weren't touching but centimeters away from eachother.

"If your so awake then why dont you show just how awake you are." He said while softly caressing my cheek with his fingers.

I was slightly suprised but I just smirked and kissed his nose in a cute way.

He took a deep breathe out, his hot breath hitting my face causing me to shiver. He smirked and moved his hand up and down my arm, making me shiver even more.

He leant in and started to kiss my neck. He moved his kisses around until he found my sweet spot and kissed continuesly. I tried to hold back a small moan but failed causing him to smirk while kissing my neck.

I breathed out heavily as he stopped kissing my neck. I stared into his oceany eyes until he rolled over back onto his side of the bed.

I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.

I almost fell asleep until I caught myself and sat back up straight again.

"I have to go back to my house if you want to come" he said with his hands tucked under his head.

"Why, so i can look at you toys again." I said with a smirk almost feeling clever.

He flipped to his side and said "maybe" as he bit his lip.

"I guess I can go but, No thank you to the whole toy part" I said while smiling.

"...fine" he said

I flipped the covers off me quickly and Logan did the same.

"can we eat breakfast first though, im hungry af" I said while looking at the blankets in front of me.

"Sure, well go out to eat breakfast" he said while putting a shirt on.

"Awwww I liked the veiw" I said while biteing my lip.

He smirked and leant down and kissed my lips. "Get ready" he said.

I got up off the bed and went to go look in my closet and picked out a maroon skirt and a nude colored sweater.

I got up off the bed and went to go look in my closet and picked out a maroon skirt and a nude colored sweater

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I went down to the living room to find Logan looking at pictures of family and friends on a shelf.

"whose this" he said while holding up a picture.

"...Thats my..Brother" I said while looking down

"whats wrong luna" he said sympatheticly while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"its just my brother, he di-died 6 months ago.
                sorry I suck at writing.
           Im bad at keeping a up with
Writing this book. Ill try to make a schedule for this book.

The New English Teacher (Logan Paul fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu