Chapter I | Escapism

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     I rub my eyes to soothe their slight burn with a content sigh. Sweet relief. With blurred gaze I make it a point to slowly examine everything about the hall. A smile spreads across my face. Nothing out of the ordinary nor any sign of The Caretaker being in the area, truly a blessing. Nevertheless, I dig through the satchel resting at my side. One can never be too safe on this death trap as it's always best to be sure no dangers lurk out of sight unless someone was specifically looking for an untimely end. If only Howler had learned that lesson sooner.

     "I know it's in here somewhere, come on," I mutter. Maneuvering through the bag for a little longer the quickly grab at the cool feeling of metal when it reached my fingertips. "There you are."

     With a quiet click, the warm beam of light shoots from the device, illuminating the hall comfortably while revealing each nook and cranny of the cold stone hall. Focusing on my surroundings and looking further for any signs of danger, a small splotch of black catches in the light. Leech ink. Those wretched little beasts were not only common in these parts, attracted by the pools of rancid water and decaying food, but also proved to be quite a danger if little Leech had anything to say after his experience.

     Black puddle in the shape of a foot, one of which was clearly distorted by the effect a shackle from about an hour or two ago left few candidates in mind. If I had to put my finger on it, this was Runaway's doing. He finally found a way out that didn't involve being stupidly obvious. His failed attempts always messed with the plans of us wanting to escape through increasing The Caretaker's rounds or introducing those loathsome shackles. Many children found themselves bound to their beds at night or even poles if they were extra ornery thanks to Runaway's efforts. But, nevertheless, we all rooted for him. Siblings always rooted for each other. If any of us had the highest chance of escape, it was definitely him.

    "Took you long enough," I whisper while making it a point to avoid stepping in the fresh footprints. I didn't want The Caretaker on my trail after all and I only have so much time if I didn't already miss my best opportunity. Nevertheless, there was one brief stop left. Tying my scarf to the metal pole next to the door I had to exit through, I crouched down, cupping my hands around my mouth I quietly call out.

     "Hey, are you awake?"

     Leaning back in wait, I gently chew on my cheek. Hopefully, my little friend was comfortable in their nest rather than foraging for the night. It'd weigh on me if I didn't give them at least a short goodbye.

     At the small chitter that greeted my ears, I broke out in a grin, shifting to sit on my legs. A small fleshy cap poked from the confines of a small grate, turning to face me before the pale body of the little creature followed. No matter what The Caretaker tried to say about the little creatures, I have always been incredibly close with the Nomes. There was something so human about the way they behaved and sought companionship in the Maw's darkest corners that I couldn't help but reach out to them. Sure, they may be skittish, but unlike many of the prisoners sleeping soundly in their beds, they were incredibly caring, playful, and helpful. If it weren't for this little guy I know for a fact, I'd likely have no chance of escaping this place. It's possible I wouldn't even be here in the first place.

     "Hey buddy, are you excited? Tonight's the night," I whisper, carefully pulling the little creature from my scarf when it reached the top, cradling it to my chest and pulling memories to the surface. I remember it like it was yesterday. In the cold space of the air vents, I had found myself lost. After having been told stories of the wonders hidden away in the metal passageways, my imagination led me to think an exploration for hidden treasures was a good idea. It was not. There are no treasures on the Maw. If it weren't for the calming clicks off and rough yet gentle hand of the nome leading me back to the warm light of the nursery, I almost certainly would have died in there. A small chiming whine brings me back to my senses and I rub the resurfacing tears from my eyes.

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