j. s.

33 6 0

She's got a look in her eye,
Something beautiful in her stare,
But she hides behind the weight of the world,
Hides behind her hair.

And she wears this smile,
But when no ones around,
Washes it off,
And she pretends to be happy,
But it's just not enough.

But she doesn't know,
How truly beautiful she is,
Inside and out,
She's always been the full package.

If she could only see,
Passed the things she most hates,
She would see an amazing girl,
Rather than the picture she paints.

And I write this to her,
In hopes she'll take heed,
To the things that I've written,
These words on her screen.

For then maybe she'll realize,
Of her heart, so pure ,
And understand that she's not just a beautiful girl,
But so much more.

Written months ago,
kept anonymous,
to a beautiful girl
in a crumbling life.

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