Rules and score system.

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We know we know it sucks to have rules.😫 But without them the world will go in chaos.

And if we don't have rules, we would do something really stupid that would be detected by Miss Noris who would certainly give us away to Filch and who in turn, would find immense pleasure to give us detention. You don't want that. Do you?

So brace yourselves for the freaking rules of D.A.

1: You must follow this account.

2: You must add this book to your personal library as well as public reading list so that you can be notified each time we update.

3: You must respect your fellow group members as well as those who aren't in your group but belong to the club. If we catch anyone disrespecting our members,we won't think twice before asking them to leave the club.

4: Your book can belong to any genre. We accept all. But the book has to be in English. Any book written in a language other than English will not be accepted.

5: You can enter a Maximum of two books. But then you will be put into two groups which means your reading assignments will be double. You will have to be dedicated!

6: You must do your reading assignments before the deadline. If there's a serious issue or you have got tons of homework, let us know before the deadline. We will give you the extension date.

7: When you are reading your fellow member's book you are expected to read it thoroughly and point out any mistakes in order to help the writer get better.

While reading, post 2 inline comments and 1 comment at the end of the chapter telling the author what you liked and disliked about the chapter. Also give suggestions as to how the author can make his work more appealing.(If you have any)

Comments like "wow", "nice", " keep up the good work" won't be accepted. These comments aren't helpful at all and they indicate that you didn't actually read the chapter. Your comments must be helpful and encouraging, plus they should indicate that you actually went through the entire chapter.

Here's how you do it: Your inline comments should show your opinion or feeling about what's going on. For example, "He broke up with his girl friend for that stupid redhead? I hate him for this!"

In the end of the chapter you must write what you liked and disliked about the chapter. For example,"I really liked the flow of the story and the way you described the feelings of the girl was really intriguing and it pushed me deeper into the story. But you should keep the chapters short. Long chapters usually turn readersaway. Also, you should proofread your work before posting it. But I liked the overall chapter. Keep on writing! Looking forward to find out what happens to the girl."

You see? These type of comments will help the authors to improve as well as encourage them to keep on writing the story.

Constructive criticism is good but you must not be plain rude. The author has free reign to report rude readers to us and we would take action against them. So you are warned.

8: Voting isn't necessary but is encouraged.

9: While commenting on the chapters of your fellow members, use the hashtag #DA. Its short and easy so get used to it! If you do not use the hashtag, the comments won't be accepted.

10: When you are done with your reading assignments, do tell us in the comments section of that week by tagging your group members as well as the authors of BOTW and BOTM.

I guess that's enough to save us from Filch isn't it?

Incase you haven't realized, each week you are suppsed to read 12 chapters altogether.

~Three chapters of one of your group members and three of the other.

~Three chapters of the BOTW and three chapters of the BOTM.

This makes up for 12 points. You will be scored out of 12.

Those who participate in monthly writing contest, will get a bonus of 5. The winner will get a further 10 points as a reward.

If you are ready to become a part of D.A, fill out the forms in the next chapter.

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