Chapter fourteen

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(I couldn't leave everyone hanging off of the edge of their beds or seats or I don't know roof? Box? Anyway so here is da chapter ps. Might be a short chapter!!)
Your P.O.V.
I watched in horror as Cyrus jumped off.
"CYRUS!" I screamed, crying.
I ran towards the edge and watched my younger brother fall down, he screamed and something screamed back.
"NO!"Cassie screamed as she stared down at Cyrus.
Tears filled Cyrus's eyes, but his eyes soon turned red.
"THIS MUST BE DONE!" He yelled in a weird demonic voice.
"NO I DONT WANT TO DIE!" Cyrus yelled to him self.
But I turned away as I tried not to hear any corpse splatting
Zane ran over and hugged me.
Nick and Rachel didn't move and kept crying.
Thunder boomed loudly and the Lightning flickered.
And I heard the splatting of corpse.
I clamped my eyes shut but tears kept escaping.
Nobody's P.O.V.
Cassie stared down at the dead corpse.
Her hands shook and she cried.
Nick shakily got up and Rachel did too.
They walked over and cried.
Rachel stopped and picked up the torn up photo.
It was of an young adult looking Zane and Y/n, with a 13 or 14 year looking Cyrus.
But ripped in half.
They were so happy.
Nick kneeled down by Cassie who still stared down, probably waiting for a shout of Cyrus saying he's ok that will never come.
Nick sobbed and stared down the building.
Y/n opened her eyes slowly and looked up at her husband.
"Z-Zane.." she said still crying.
He softly cried and hugged her tighter.
"Y-y/n..." he said crying harder.
"I-it.. it hurts.." Y/n said shakily.
"I know...I know it does.." Zane said rubbing circles on her back.
Cassie screamed Cyrus's name still crying and waiting for a response.
"H-he has to be alive!!" Cassie sobbed.
Nick rubbed circles on her back, hating to tell her he.. he isn't.
Rachel crawled over to Cassie and hugged her.
Everyone slowly stood up and slowly made it back inside the building.
People stared at the drenched people as they all cried.
Your P.O.V.
I sobbed and Zane still held me close as we walked down the narrow hallways of the hospital.
Once we got to the bottom floor people started screaming out of terror.
Tears kept coming as I looked around, people were hiding as a girl with demon like eyes was tearing everything to shreds.
"HES SO CLOSE!!" She screamed in a demonic voice.. like the one from Cyrus.
I watched as a wobbly figure walked toward the doors.
Cassie stared at it in hope... but it wasn't him.
Pets P.O.V.
I heard screaming from the roof and down below.. what the hell is going on!?!?
I wanna move!! I need to!!! But., I CANT!
I growled. Stupid body! Move already!!!
A nurse soon came inside the room, "Ms.L/N please do not squirm around like that!" She scolded.
"I-I...need... to...MOVE!" I yelled.
She was shocked by the change of tone, but shook her head.
"The doctors and nurses are dealing with everything, no need to worry." The nurse said.
I growled and kept squirming, "Please ma'am do not move around." She said.
"Your...not..the...boss.....of me!" I said.
I actually sat up, "MA'AM!" She said in a worried tone.
"Screw this.....I....need to.....know....what's....HAPPENING!" I yelled and squirmed a bit more until I got out of bed.
I wobbly walked down the hallway the nurse grabbed my arms but I used all my strength to fling her off of me.
I finally made it to the last floor I watched as a demon like thing ripped apart the lobby Y/n Zane and three other people stood in the middle of it crying.
I slowly walked over to them.
"P-pet!" Y/n sobbed.
"What...happened?!" I asked.
"Cyrus.. he's...he's.." Y/n said but continued to sob.
"He's..." Zane continued.
"Dead." One of the three people said and continued to sob.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion.
He..he can't be.. no...
I heart beat quickened.. no no no no no no!
He died... tears streamed down my face.
My vision became blurry and I sat down then.. I blacked out.
To be continued...

I'll find you,my love~Zane x reader (mystreet) book 2Where stories live. Discover now