Chapter five

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Your P.O.V.
I woke up sweating and crying. No one else was up so I walked out of the little shelter I had with Jack and Flora.
I looked to see Samantha up staring out at the water, I walked up to her.
"This is awful isn't it?" I asked her. She nodded.
"I was supposed to be a super star!! My family said I'd never be one... but I was proving them wrong!! I don't even care for them anymore. I was going to be a great actress.." Samantha said.
"I'd do anything to get to my family. How could you say that." I said.
"Family means absolutely nothing to me!" Samantha said whipping her grey hair.
"....I've been away from my family trying to get back to them!!! And your saying you could careless about yours!! Its been weeks away from my family!!! I have three f*cking kids!!! A husband that cares about me and so many friends and siblings!!!! I was supposed to go back to mine but all your trying to do is get away from yours!!!?!? I bet your family was kind to you!!! I DIDNT GET LOVE WHEN I WAS A KID!!!! ALL I GOT WAS PAIN AND TEARS!!!! SO IF YOU WANNA TALK TRASH ABOUT YOUR F*CKING FAMILY WHY DONT YOU GO DROWN ON THE OCEAN!!!" I yelled and stormed off.
I can't believe her. I'd die for my family!!
Oh Zuzu, be strong.. please.
Travis's P.O.V.
I sat on my couch eating some chips, until there was a knock at the door. I opened it to reveal a beautiful girl with whitesh blueish hair. "I'm here for Y/n. Dose she live here?" The girl asked. I shook my head. "Well could you tell me where she dose live?" The girl asked me with a sharp tone. I pointed to Y/ns house. "I would like you to know, she's not home. She's coming home soon." I said before shutting the door. I went back to eating chips. I was bored so I went to Zane's house aka Y/ns house. I opened the door barging in. "Hey Travis!" Zoe said hugging my leg. "Hey kiddo!" I said ruffling her hair. Zane was on the couch, I sat with him. "Hey daddy, am I fat?" Zoe and Zero asked Zane. "No, no!! Of course not if anything your underweight .. I might need to get that looked at.." Zane said. Zoe's lips quivered, "YOU MEAN IM DYING!?" She yelled and started crying.
"And father of the year award goes to! Drum roll please!! Zane Ro'meave!" I said sarcastically. Zane growled at me.
"Travis is this true?" Zoe asked me tears in her eyes. "Nah kiddo, your perfectly fine! Helathy and perfect size gurl~" I said. She smiled and hugged me. "And you can just call me your uncle Travis!" I said to Zero and Zoe. Zane glared at me. I just laughed and hugged Zoe and Zero. They are probably the most adorable kids I've ever met.
They definitely have Y/ns laugh and smile. The door soon burst open revealing Pet and Ein.
"Hey guys!" Pet said her eyes were puffy and red. She smiled and sat on the couch with me and Zane. Ein sat down on the ground, Zoe and Zero then sat on his lap.
"Could someone get the door?" I asked.
"I'll do it uncle Travis!" Zero said closing the door.
"So Zoe how's school going, got a boyfriend yet?" Pet asked her.
Zoe blushed, "N-Never. And schools f-fine.." Zoe said
Zane glared at Pet.
"Oh!! You sooo have a crush gurl who is it!! Tell you aunt pleeeeaaaassseee!!!" Pet said swinging Zoe around.
"I don't!" Zoe yelled at her.
"Pet, she's not dating until she's a teenager. Maybe not even then." Zane said.
Pet sighed putting Zoe back down on Eins lap.
"Well what's up with you Travis?" Pet asked me.
"Nothing, it's been pretty quiet in my house. I haven't been talking to people that much.." I said, I wasn't lying
Yeah I'd go to Garroths house, or Aphmau's. Sometimes Katelyns. But I usually just wan a movie.. sense Y/n had left everyone has been meh..
Pet nodded, "I know how you feel. And I have some exciting news. The whole reason why we came here!" Pet said and smiled at all of us.
"Well Pet, is now eating for two!" Ein announced.
Zanes eyes widened. Eating for two? What? What's that supposed to mean!?
Did she eat a person or something!?!?!?
I looked at them with confusion.
"What?" I said.
Pet face palmed.
"Travis your such an idiot, she's pregnant!" Zane said.
OOHHHHHHHHHU know I understand!
" Oh! Did not see that coming!" I said and smiled at them.
She just laughed,
"Haha! Your stupid uncle Travis!" Zoe said and hugged me.
Everyone burst into laughter.
This was how it was supposed to be.. but there was one thing missing.. Y/n..
We laughed and the door soon busted open, "OH COME ON!! YOU KILLED THE DOOR!!" Pet whined.
It revealed Garroth, Laurence, Aphmau , Aaron , Dante and Vivi.
They all had sad faces on.
I could tell something was wrong.. but what?
"Kids could you do upstairs to your rooms. The grownups need to talk." Zane said. Zero and Zoe sighed walking upstairs.
Once they were upstairs. They all started silently crying.
"What's wrong?" Pet asked worriedly.
"I-its Y-Y/n..." Dante managed to sniffle out.
They then explained how there was a plane crash.. the plane Y/n was on.
And the article said they have not yet found alive passengers...
Y/n... could still be alive right?
"N-no.." Zane said, his eyes filled with tears.
He put his hand to his heart. He must feel awful, poor guy.
Zanes P.O.V.
I held my heart, it ached... she can't be dead. I want them to search harder, she probably ran off and built shelter right?
(Yup!) I looked over to Pet, she cried in Eins arms. Must be even tougher for them. I felt warm splashes on my face. I touched beneath my eyes, yup I was crying.
Please don't me dead Y/n...
I looked to actually see Travis crying. Wow, and Aaron!
Never seen thoughts guys cry. I breathed in heavily and out shakily,
Y/n please don't die on me. I love you so much. Please... for my sake.. come back to us...
Do it for me. Or else... I'll find you, my love...
Wow.. this is so emotional!!

Thats what this story reminds me of that meme XD
Well, if you did like this chapter please leave a comment, go check out KikichanArtist she's awesome!!!!! If you want you can go check out my other crappy books! And remember STAY KAWAII-Pet~Senpai is out

I'll find you,my love~Zane x reader (mystreet) book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon