A Dimensional Interference?

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There was a faint hum coming from a computer as well as the clicking of its keyboard. Sitting at the desk of where the computer remained was a slim pink-haired woman. Her gold eyes were focused on the bright monitor as she typed away. Judging by the oddly designed lab coat she wore, she was a scientist. On top of her head were a pair of cat ears that twitched a little as she paused in her typing.

"What the Hell?" Her eyebrows furrowed, "A dimensional interference? I've never seen one like this before..."

She leaned back into her chair, pulling a blue lollipop from her mouth. Examining the data before her, the scientist saw strange results. "That could only mean..." She began to think of possible reasons behind the phenomena.

"There is another universe that has made contact with ours." The voice of a girl finished the professor's sentence.

Sighing to herself, the feline woman turned around in her desk to face her visitor, "I was wondering when you'd show up again, Rachel." She stuck the lollipop back into her mouth, "And what makes you so sure there's some other world? All we've encountered so far were one too many damn time loops."

"Because I've managed to detect the presence of this other world myself." The girl referred to as Rachel replied, pushing her blonde hair back which was done in very long twin tails, "Not to mention two beings from our plane of existence have sent themselves there."

The cat girl stared at Rachel in disbelief. "But...that could only mean..." Her pupils dilated as she began to realize, "Relius Clover... You bastard." She grimaced at the name and slammed a fist on her desk, causing several leftover bags of snacks to jump, "What right does he have, invading other worlds?"

"Kokonoe," Rachel put her hands on the gothic dress that hugged her body, "His intentions might very well be the same as they are here. But be that as it may," her arms crossed, "we should observe this world in anyway possible. If the Imperator is to realize this world, then she may find ways to influence it with Takamagahara and send it to chaos as she wishes here."

Professor Kokonoe took a deep breath then relaxed in her chair. She knew what madness Relius Clover had done in the past and she very well knew what more he could do, especially to a world untouched by his evil. She tossed her eaten lollipop away and reached for a bag of potato chips to munch on.

"If Relius is there," she bit down onto a salty chip, "then I have no doubt in my mind that Yuuki Terumi is with him. But even so, we'd need to send others to observe wherever they are."

As she heard this idea, the vampire lolita formed a small gin, "Ragna the Bloodedge is almost to Ikaurga. He shall go."

Kokonoe blinked as she ate another chip, "You're not serious, are you? We don't know anything about that world. For all we know, there couldn't be any seithr at all. Or he could get himself into a huge mess that we couldn't fix, knowing the dumbass he is."

"You doubt his usefulness, yet you've went out of your way to rebuild his arm." The small blonde pointed out.

With a groan, Kokonoe leaned in her chair and set aside her bag of chips. She then pushed her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose, "You're really difficult to work with. But I suppose I'll find a way to let us access this "other world". Maybe I'll get some interesting data on it as well."

Rachel smiled in her little victory and turned away, "I shall return once Ragna has arrived. Be sure to inform Kagura and Hibiki until then." And like that, she was gone.

The cat scoffed and turned her chair to face the bright glow of the monitor, her endless typing continued.

"Truly remarkable..." Relius Clover eyed a red crystal of Dust in his hand, turning it with a careful grip. He and Hazama sat at a table with all types of Dust organized on the table by various colors. "Do you not sense it, Captain Hazama?" The masked puppeteer gently set the scarlet crystal next to a yellow one.

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