"The hell?" he barked, looking over at Relius crouching next to him.

"Quiet, Captain," the Colonel said in a hushed tone. "We aren't alone."

Hazama peered out from behind the crate, seeing men in black and white outfits with white masks shielding their faces patrol the area. Sorting more of the wooden crates that were lying about, they had nary a clue of the intruders of their compound.

"Oh..." Hazama said, turning back to sit behind the crates. "Jobbers."

"Certainly. But let's be smart about this," Relius remarked. "One masked fool at a time will most definitely be an easier task than all of them at once."

"I'm sorry, do you not have confidence in my awesomeness?" Hazama questioned.

"No. We simply don't know if these people are capable of controlling the seithr in this area," Relius replied.

"I suppose you're right," Hazama muttered. "But if we take this place for ourselves...this outlet of seithr will be at our disposal."

"My thoughts precisely," Relius stated. "Flank left. I'll head right."

Hazama smirked, peering out from behind the crate once more. The patrolling masked man was facing away from him, so the green-haired gent swiftly dashed out from the first crate and moved on to a second. With no one else in sight, Hazama shot a dark green, ethereal chain from his hand. The snake head at the tip grasped the patrolling guard's collar and forcefully dragged him towards Hazama, who planted his heel into the incoming guard's spine. A blade shot out from Hazama's shoe and pierced the guard's back, and Hazama muffled the man's grunt of pain with his gloved hand. He tossed the limp body aside to the shadows and moved onwards.

As Hazama moved to the left, Relius crept slowly to the right. With a snap of his fingers, a strange figure appeared by his side. Like a porcelain doll, she had shiny white skin and wore a magenta dress with a strange hat, the colors of both matching that of Relius' overcoat. On her long arms, hook-shaped blades mimicked fingers that spread out with open palms. Relius pointed two fingers to a darker corner of the room, and the metal figure floated daintily over to stand in the shadows. A masked guard saw the female figure and wandered towards it in confusion. He aimed his firearm in its general direction, lowering it as he came closer and closer. The female figure did nothing, having no orders from its master, letting the masked goon come within arm's reach. As the guard examined the doll, Relius placed his palm on the ground beneath him.

"Geara Lugia," he said softly.

A purple, ethereal circle appeared on the ground beneath the masked goon. Before he could react a metal contraption shot out of the ground and pierced the masked goon through the chest and back with crab claw-like blades. Too startled to scream, the masked goon fell limp to the floor when the contraption dislodged itself. Relius snapped his fingers once again, dismissing his puppet as he continued on.

Hazama and Relius slowly but surely made their way around the hangar, silently eliminating any patrolling guards as they found their way near a group of three standouts, illuminated by a single light shining down on them. Clearly looking different from the others they dealt with before, Hazama and Relius shot each other looks signaling to wait.

An orange haired thief in a white trench coat and black bowler hat, standing in the center of the light, looked on at the other two figures standing in front of him. One was a dark skinned girl with green hair, and the other was a silver-haired man with a pale complexion. The orange haired man pointed a stylized black and red cane at the silver-haired man's chest, gritting his teeth.

"Listen, you little punk..." he started. "If it were up to me, then I would take you and your little street rat friend here and-"

"Do what, Roman?" He was interrupted by a young, dark-haired woman in a red dress who stood on a high platform that soon lowered to the three.

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