(11) Revenge!

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I'm so mad at Summer right now. After she came back everything Is horible. Like she breake's Freddy's heart, she did that I got blue paint over me, she started A paint fight and she got to be the new Captein on the soccer team, so know I'm just A soccer player and not A Captein. I'm going to take revenge.

Z: Why Are You smirking Tomika?

I must have started smirking.

T: No reason!
F: Ok.
L: I dont belive You.
T: Why not?
L: Because You dont stop smirking.
T: Oh.
Z: What Is going on Tomika?
T: I will tell You guys later. But now I must go. Bye! (Kiss Zack's cheek)

I must think about A greate plan, something that will make Summer mad, something that will take away her smirk.

10 minuts later

I know It, Summer Is allergic to milk. And I will cover her In milk. She Is not very allergic to milk she will just Get A rash.

In class

I was setting up the milk over the door, Everybody was looking weird on me except Summer Because she was In the hall.

Z: What Are You doing?

I saw that Summer was walking to the classroom.


T: You will see In 5....4....3....2....1..
S: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
T: (laugh)
S: What Is This?
T: Milk. I know that You Are allergic to milk so I found out that It was A Good revenge to see You have rash In A week.
S: Tomika Do You remember When I said to You some years ago that my allergic to milk will just Get worse?
T: So We Are talking 2 weeks?
S: No. Even Worse.
F: How Worse?
S: Like that I Can die.
Everybody: What!
Z: Tomika How could You Do This?
T: I just wanted to take revenge. I didn't now that she Can die If she gets milk on her.

I looked at Summer, It's looked like she was about to faint. Summer started holding her self up by holding on her desk.

F: Guys.
T&Z: What?
S: Somebody help.

Then Summer fell on the floor.

L: Somebody call the ambulance.
MF: I will call them now.
F: I'm gonna go Get Principal Mullins Then Jacob.
Z: Why Jacob?
F: He Is her boyfriend.
Z: That's right.

I run to Principal Mullins office.

F: Principal Mullins!
PM: What?
F: Summer Is about to die.
PM: What! How?
T: Tomika was going to take revenge on Summer.
PM: How could that Do that Summer Is about to die?
F: She Is allergic to milk and Tomika did that Summer got milk over her. But Tomika tough that Summer just got rash for A week.
PM: Ok were Is Summer now?
F: In Mr.Finn's classroom. I will go Get Jacob You go to Mr.Finn's classroom.
PM: Why Are You going to go Get Jacob?
F: He Is Summer's boyfriend.
PM: Ok.

I run to Mr.Grim's classroom Because Jacob Is In his class.

F: Jacob come here.
MG: You can't just run Into This class.
F: I Can If Jacob's girlfriend Is about to die.
J: What! What has happend with my Summer? (Starts to cry)

He really care about Summer.

F: She Is allergic to milk and she got milk over herself and she Can die of milk.
J: Where Is she now?
F: In Mr.Finn's classroom.
J: I must see her.

We run back to Mr.Finn's classroom. Jacob run to Summer and He sat down beside her.

J: Summer! Summer wake up! (He Is crying) Have Somebody call the ambulance?
L: Yes They Are here In 2 minuts.
J: Good. Summer you must stay. Dont leave me.

I felt bad for Jacob. He Is so sad, I can't be mad Because Summer Is hi's girlfriend. Because hi cares alot for Summer and I can't breake that. I looked over at Zack and Tomika. Tomika look's very sad and Zack Is looking sad and mad. But Then the mad In his face goes away and He hug Tomika. Then I saw that Esme came In the classroom and she hug Lawrence.

F: Mr.Finn I can't belive I'm saying This, But....Can We hug?
MF: Come here Freddy.

Then the ambulance came, They took Summer In the car and Jacob was going In to Because He was the only One that was the only One that was like family for her Because He Is her boyfriend and her mom Is In LA and her dad dont care about her. We was looking ste the car drive away with Summer In It almost dying.

To be continiued.

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