"A movie?" Ivy frowned, crossing her arms. "At three in the afternoon? Is that even legal?"

 Bertram bounced to his feet and strode forward, linking his arm with Ivy's. "If it's not, we'll have even more fun, won't we?"

 Ivy pondered this, perfect brows pulling together. And then she nodded. "I guess you're right about that, Weeks. I don't mind the occasional police chase."

 I shot the pair a knowing frown, lips curled slightly against my will. "I'm glad I'm not going with you guys."

 Kenny moved toward me, then placed a hand on my shoulder. His dark eyes locked on mine, and his face hardened with seriousness. "If they get the police on our asses, will you be my alibi?"

 A laugh escaped my lips, and I placed a hand on his shoulder as well. "Yes, I will," I nodded, mocking his serious air. "You were with me and Benny all day."

 A smile broke onto Kenny's mouth, and he nodded. "You're my best friend."

 Bertram threw his free hand into the air, mouth dropping. "What?"

 "Oh, you'll be all right," I smirked, glancing at Bertram as I crossed the room to grab my cell phone. "You have Ivy."

 Ivy rolled her eyes. "No one has me."

 "Hey, Leah." Kenny knocked lightly on the door. "You okay in there?"

 The door swung open, revealing Leah's airbrushed face – she looked absolutely flawless. "Do I look okay?" She pointed to her face, indicating the makeup that she was so displeased with.

 Kenny's brows rose, and for a moment he was silent. "You look more than okay," he finally admitted.

 I hadn't thought it possible, but Leah's natural blush bled through the rosy blush Ivy had applied to her cheeks. Without another word, she closed the door, disappearing once more. Kenny turned to face the others, biting his lip.

 "Should I not have said that?"

 Ivy grinned. "No, that was perfect. Now she has no choice but to leave without taking off the makeup."

 "That isn't true, Ivy," Leah's muffled voice rang from behind the bathroom door. "I could wash it all away right now."

 A mischievous, triumphant smirk pulled at Ivy's mouth. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, baby."

 Shaking my head and smiling, I slipped out of the bedroom. No one was paying attention to me anyway, and they would know where I had gone. Out the front door, across the yard, the road, straight for the door of Benny's house.

 Before I could even knock, Lynn pulled the door open, panting but grinning. "Hey, baby. Come to help?"

 A moment of hesitation froze me in place, but then I nodded, albeit confused. Lynn pulled me into the house then, closing the door behind us. And then I realized why Benny had asked me to come.

 In the corner to my right, a tall Christmas tree had been set up. Benny and Elizabeth both struggled to wrap the tree with white and red garlands and strings of lights. Three large cardboard boxes were set on the ground, each wide open; one box was empty. One of the boxes was filled with colorful ornaments.

Purpose ❆ Benny Rodriguezحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن