Hunters And Heroes PART ONE

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"Dean! I believe I found us something!" Sam yelled from the table in the library. "Yeah what is it this time?" Dean hollered back making his way into the library. "So get this there has been a string of homicides in a town called...Starling City and they are all the same. They are killed with a silver arrow." Sam graciously pointed out.

"What does that have to so with the supernatural?" Dean looked down at his little brother. "Dean don't you see it could be either demon possession or or a spirit I mean it could be anything can we just check it out!" Sam resorted to begging at this point.

"Plus, outside of Starling City is Central City." Sam had Dean reeled in now. Central City is the home of you and your boyfriend, Barry Allen. "We could go and see, Y/N." Sam continued on. "Alright, alright." Dean said with the least bit of convincing in his voice.

"Do you want to let Y/N know were coming or not?" Dean wondered out loud walking down the hallway to his bedroom. "That's up to you, man." Sam shrugged, he didn't care either way. All that mattered was that he was going to see you. "Well, just for fun we are not going to tell her." It was settled. Dean continued to his room and then both brothers got ready to go and then they were out on the road.

"When was the last time you talked to Y/N, Dean?" Sam asked because he couldn't honestly remember. Sam knew Dean was trying to think back when his eyes wandered around the impala. "I can't tell ya." Dean admitted ashamed. They really need to keep in touch with you, and you would reach out but at the worst times and then he would forget to the point it was too late to try and call back.

So that what how it was. But now that was going to change. Even though it is easier said than done like with everything, Dean was determined to be a better brother and so did Sam. This is the first time they are going to see you in your shared apartment with your boyfriend, Barry.

It was only one short year ago you brought Barry to the bunker and changed your brothers lives forever. It wasn't much later that the gap between two you felt like you were in different worlds and your brothers gave Barry their blessing to let him move in with you. You couldn't of have been more happier. Barry couldn't have been more...surprised.

When you and Barry started dating instead of calling you his girlfriend he called you his special lady friend. You would never get over the fact at how silly Barry and is you hoped if you one day you guys had kids and you would have a boy just like him and a little girl just like you.

You never imagined a life like this. You always thought you would be just like your brothers. Follow in their foot steps and take over the family business as they called it. But now with your new life you didn't even miss hunting. You realized how much easier you woke up in the morning without the though am I going to die after this job? You didn't miss it but you certainly wouldn't forget it.

Most mornings you woke up right beside Barry or literally on top of him and then he would flip you over where he was on top of you and if you had just enough time before he actually had to get up for work...

Other than that life has been for the first time in your life...normal. You wished your brothers would settle down with the right one and give it up already but you knew if you said anything it would cause a fuss and a conflict between the three of you. And nobody wants a third world war between the Winchester siblings.

You and Barry were very happy together and you were perfectly content on living in Central City with Barry. You have gotten to know some many great people and for the first time you have met some friends. Barry often took you out to lunch when you were both at break from work and school.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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