chapter 4

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" okay!" emma said " I wasn't going to ask but I have to"

" uh okay but if we could walk a little faster that would be great because I don't want to be late on the 2nd day" I said as I started to walk a little faster

" fine" she said walking faster to keep up with me

" what did you want to ask" I asked her

" oh right! I wanted to know how your little study date thing went" she asked

" with who? niall?" I said trying to play dumb

" no mickey mouse , of course niall" she said sarcastically

" well it wasn't a study date we were just working on the art project and it went fine .....I guess..... we mostly spent the whole time working with ,an occasional chat about how awesome he was at soccer" I hated lying to emma but if I told her that I liked niall and actually had fun with him last night she would completely flip out!

" did he seriously talk about himself the whole time" she asked

" not the whole time he asked me if I liked art....once!" I said

" oh my god! what a jerk!" she exclaimed

" yeah" I said quietly

I looked down at my phone which had  just dinged. the called ID  said niall .

I quickly unlocked my phone and read the text shielding  the screen from emmas view.


hey! do you need a ride to school

I quickly  replied


no I have it covered thanks any way

" who was that" emma asked leaning over to peer at the screen

" uh no one" I said shoving my phone in  my pocket

me an emma split up once we got to school she went to her locker and I went to mine.

when I got to my locker niall was leaning against it  

" um hi" I said

" your probably wondering why im here" he said moving out of the way so I got get to my locker

" that I am" I replied

" well I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school I can give you a ride again" he asked

" well we don't really need to do any more work on our art project we are already at least a week ahead" I said as I opened my locker and shoved my books in

" who said anything about the art project" he smirked

" why would I be coming over then" I asked

" to hang out like normal high school students" he joked

" whatever" I joked back

" so do you wanna come or not" he asked

" I guess so" I said pulling my math book out

" cool so i'll so you in art" he said

" yeah okay" I said as I walked away with a huge smile on my face

hey guys sorry this chapter is mostly dialogue , I made a different chapter 4 but watt pad deleted it before I had a chance to upload it:( any way I hope you liked it.  comment what you want to happen next ~ onedirectiongurl16

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