Vivid Dream

10 1 0

In her unconscious state, the girl sees a picture come together in vivid colours; a consolation prize from the numerous battles she had lost against her delusions, perhaps.

What is this,
Who is that I see?
That stranger from before?
Hand once again outstretched,
Are they here to...
Help me?

The voice in my head;
I can't hear it.
That's strange...
With the way I am,
It shouldn't
Be leaving me

They continue
To strain their hand
For me.
Even after I...
Pushed them away...

What should I do?
What would be best?--

Isolated; your delusions only grew.
Take their hand,
And slowly but surely,
They'll be put to rest.

The voice,
It's returned again,
Out of the blue?

Yes, but, rest assured,
These are the last words,
I'll ever,
Say to you.

And with that,
I bid you adieu.

The voice
Is gone
For good...?

The girl sits, dazed and confused, in a black abyss where the only realistic thing to be seen is the stranger who stands in front of her. At the pique of her delirium, she reaches her hand to grasp theirs. Her eyelids subsequently slide open at a leisurely pace, little by little revealing a sight so unexpected, yet so beautiful.

This is...
Too good to be true...

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