A Gothic Love Story - New Place

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It's been a week since my father died. I left school the next day. I humiliated the bitch after that, and I changed all my style in just 3 days. the last 2 days I was on a plane. I am moving to England. Far away from everything I know and hate. But i'm sure, no one is expecting my new look, and my old enemies wouldn't recognize me if they could see me now.

Right now, I'm wearing a black skirt, with netting underneath, knee high black boots, full of buckles and very military looking, like I love it. I have a black top, strapless, and it has skulls all over them. My previously long hair is very short now. It frames my face in a cloud of black spikes, and my grey eyes come out of my black eyeshadow, black eyeliner and blood red lipstick. Over all, not the same person anymore. But I still have the issues. When i was coming on the plane, this bald guy got too close to me. My heart tripled the beat and it was only the many years of pretending not to be scared that saved me from giving any reaction.

But I will overcome this, I have to. My new life is about to start, and being stuck in the past is not something that will benefit me. New life, new school, new look, new attitude.

I got to London at 11.p.m on a Friday night. It is summer luckily, or else I'd be freezing my ass off.I went into a real state agency and offered to pay in cash immediately, for a good house. The sales lady almost drooled at my feet.

I saw all the houses they had and decided on a house I've always dreamt of having. It was in the "rich" part of the city no doubt. The upscale neighborhood had impecable security. But about my house...

2 storeys tall, 2 bedrooms, on the first floor, there was a huge living room, kitchen, dining room, toilet, and library. Upstairs, there's  a music room, a huge bathroom, a room for spiritual things like meditation and stuff, my room, and a small living room. The wall facing the sunrise, was entirely made of glass, from top to bottom, with metal shutters to protect from storms.

The walls between the music room and spiritual room were japanese paper walls, just like the walls between these rooms and the upstairs living room. My room had normal walls, with japanese characters of protection written in a black colour against dark red blackground.

All the inside of my house was coloured in tones of red and black, with chinese and japanese characters.

It was amazing, my dream house. I was going to college to do any course related to creativity and such, so I was thinking about music... I've always had a good voice, just never had the change to exercise it...

I got inside my new house and left everything to unpack, except some food I bought on the way home.

 I wasn't even puting the sheets on the bed, so tired I was. I jusr crashed on the bed and and slept.

The next day was spent unpacking. Taking my new clothes out, putting them in my walk-in closet, shoes and boots, and setting up my soundsystem of course. I bought a sound system that has speakers and sound columns in every single division of the house, but I kept the main one in my room.

Since the sound was the first thing I took care of, I spend the day listening to Lacuna Coil. My favourite songs of them are "I Won't Tell You" and "What I See"...

Also heard Bring Me The Horizon but the only song I really really like is "The Sadness Will Never End".

By the end of the weekend, I was happy for the first time in many years. But school starts the next day, and to that, I was nervous.

************************ The School**********************

The college was a grand thing... Huge really. I kept thinking, is this really a dream? Am I gonna wake up and find out this was just an allucination from another one of his beatings?

I went to the room they call "the hall" and saw other hundreds of students, all ages and sizes, all religions imaginable, I mean, damn... At least one thing was for sure. This bunch is all so different that there's no way gossip will spread. After all, these people have no things in common between themselves.

And... YES, right there in the corner... a bunch of goths... just like I hoped to find.

I looked at them, and tried to count how many there were, how were they, judging their characters from their posture, way of speaking, and interaction with each other.

There were 7 total, 3 girls and 4 boys. It seemed as if they were all paired up, except one. And he was hawt.

Black hair hanging until halfway down his back, green-ish eyes, full lips, that on someone else would give the impression of being efeminate but on him made him look so sexy. He was at least 40cms taller than me, and he was dressed in the normal way. Black pants full of buckles and pockets, and an eyes set to kill t-shirt.

He looked at me and caught me staring, I looked sideways, pretending to be just passing my eyes over the room, not just on him, and I felt him give me a once over. I could physically feel his eyes on me. From head to toe, leaving nothing untouched.  I saw them speaking in an excited way when all of them had a proper look at me, and the 3 girls came over.

There was a tall one, taller than me at least, with blonde hair and purple eyes, which she told me were contacts when she saw me staring, her name is Lisa, and she's 17. The middle one and I do mean middle, cause she was sorter than Lisa but taller than the other girl, had brown hair, and forest green eyes. Her name is Karen, and she's 18. The shorter one had white hair, with blue highlights. As per her advertisement, her name is Aqua, and her eyes are blue like the sea, and not from contacts.

They waved the guys over and 3 of them immediatly went to stand by the girls side, telling me what I already knew. Couples.

Lisa's boyfriend, Darren, is 18, tall like her. Karen's boyfriend, Julius, is 19 and they match pretty well. Aqua's boyfriend... by a twist of destiny I assume, is named Draco, and is 19 as well.

And then, there's HIM... we stared at each other, not speaking, just looking eye to eye until all of them cleared their throats and I woke up from the trance, looking to my side, glad my face never shows blushes, because if I was able to blush, I'm sure I'd be redder than a red street light.

"Lilith, this is our SINGLE, 19 year old friend, Ashley. But since he doesn't like it, we normaly call him Ash." I noticed very well the emphase Lisa put on the word single. So it was my turn now to introduce myself.

"Well then, Lisa, Darren, Karen, Julius, Aqua and Draco, Ash... my name is Lilith, I turned 19 one week ago, but please don't say happy birthday. I wish I could forget about that day completely."

The bell rang and we looked at each other, a bit unsure. "Which class are ya guys taking?"

They looked at each other in unison and exclaimed "Music" starting to laugh. "Me too." I said.

"Let's go." They dragged me with them, never noticing my tiny flinch when the girls touched my still bruised arms and the boys tried to take my hand. My heart sped up and my breathing turned erratic. Lisa saw it, and yelled stop to them, making them stop touching me. She looked at me with comprehensive eyes, and I realized she knew. Somehow, she had gone through something similar, and she understood me.

"Don't touch her. I mean it." They all looked at her weirdly, but she repeated the order more firmly and they finally stopped touching me. My heart immediatly slowed down, and I looked at her gratefully.

"People like us, that went through what we've been through, should always stick together. I won't let anyone touch you until you get over it."

I looked at her and nodded, knowing we were going to speak about this later on.

We shared a one arm hug, not enough to scare me, but more than I could normally stand, and went to our classes.

During the course of the day, I found out my new friends had a Heavy Metal Band, and that they all sang beautifully.

When the final bell rang, we were near the school gates... "Do you guys wanna go over to my place?" I asked.

"Won't your parents mind?" Karen asked me.

"They're dead." I growled. They all looked at me funny while I smiled, remembering the rightful punishment of my father.

"All right. Let's go." And we went.

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