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I woke up. Yup, from a dream!
Dang it!

I wake up and frown.

"If only that was true." I yawn.

I check the time and it was 2:30 PM.

I quickly dress up and wore my plain white shirt, black and white jacket along with my white jeans and adidas shoes. I tied my hair and checked myself in the mirror.

"Do i look good or bad? Eh, who cares. I don't have anyone to impress anyways." I scoff.

I walk downstairs and lock the doors before i go to the beach.

Once i arrive there, i realised i was in the same beach where me and Namjoon played together in the sea.

Such a great memory. Why am i like this? Why can't i get enough of him?

I just need to let go. But i just can't.

I sit down on the sand while the wind just blows my hair. It was pretty cold.

Luckily, i brought my jacket.

And sadly, it began to rain. But i didn't care. But something strange happened.

The rain stopped falling on me. But it didn't stop raining on the sand, nor the sea.

I looked up and saw a good looking man holding an umbrella ontop of me.

"Why are you getting yourself all wet?" He asks.

I shrug.

"Aish, you'll get sick!" He says.

"I don't really care." I reply looking back at the sea.

He sits down with me while holding the umbrella.

"Tell me, why are you doing that to yourself."

Am i really talking to a stranger? Who cares.

"I have a friend, well not really anymore, but i have feelings for him. Sad thing is, hes dating my ex friend." I look down and force a smile on my face.

"Ah, i'm sorry." He puts his arms around my neck.

The wind blows on me and i shiver. The man notices that my jacket was wet which made me cold.

He takes off his jacket off himself and gives it to me.

"Thanks, a-are you cold?" I ask.

"No, i'm fine." He replies smiling.

"Oh, ohk." I say.

"By the way, i'm Hoseok." He sticks his hand out.

"Mina." I shake his hand.

"So, which school do you go to?" He asks.

"I go to (Schools name ;) )."

"Really?! I'm going to the same school!" He said, trying to cheer me up.

"Cool!" I laugh.

"So, since we're going to the same school and whatever, wanna be friends?" He smiles.

"Sure!" I smile back.

He's too kind. And his smile, it's so adorable.

"Let's go to that bench, it's a covered area." He takes my hand and leads me to the bench.

I sit down.

He pulls down his umbrella and shakes it to brush some of the water off.

"So, how was your day?" He asks, trying to get out of the silence.

"It was.. fine. You?" I sigh

"It was normal to be honest." He replies.

"Ah, i've got to go. Bye! Oh and, keep this umbrella." He smiles.

"Are you sure?" I said in surprise.

"Yeah, and just pass me my jacket in School. Cya!" He waves at me.

"Bye!" I wave back.

He runs to his car and quickly gets in it.

I'm alone now. All i heard was the heavy drops falling onto the metal cover ontop of me. I felt the cold wind on my hands and the sand moving around.

"When will i ever be lucky?" I ask myself.

I noticed the rain had stopped.

"I guess the umbrella is no use." I mumble.

I was looking around and saw.. Lydia.

She saw me and smirked.

As she walks to me, she whacks my head and bangs my head on the bench!

"You idiot, YOU RUINED MY SHIRT!" She barks.

"Shirts dry up. Common sense, oh wait! You don't have it, how sad." I said sarcastically

"You know, Namjoon never loved you. Me loves me. You don't deserve him. I do. I just hate seeing your face." She growls.

"Same, your face looks like a squid and rat mixed together, then got ran over by a truck." I laugh.

"You're still ugly." She twirls her hair.

"Not as ugly as you." I scoff.

She rolls her eyes.

"Wow, no replies? Guess you don't have much comebacks." I raise
my eyebrows at her.

"You know, i've noticed you do that alot." She laughs.

"What are you? A stalker?" I click my tongue.

"You need to learn how to properly talk to someone older than you." I sigh.

"Does it look like i care?" She spits out.

"No, but i don't care either about your life, all i care about is you, changing your attitude." I roll my eyes at her.

"You think you're so strong? But you're not. You're just an idiotic rat walking around the City." She says sarcastically.

"What's wrong with that? The wrong thing about this is that you're a squid,
I mean, look at you! Too disgusting." I hissed.

"Ugh! Just stop!" She stomps her foot.

"Sorry kid, i can't help it." I stand up and flick her face before i walk off.

I leave her there shocked.

Hello!! Anyways, i'll try to get this chapter to atleast twenty chapters?? And i'll maybe write Book 2, if you enjoyed, thank u! If not.. thank you lol BYEEE!

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