capítulo número veintinueve; la confusión

Start from the beginning

He was so freaking good-looking that I wasn't sure how I managed to keep such a handsome god all to myself.

Luca ran his fingers through his blond hair, his pretty blue eyes creasing at the sides as he frowned at something on his phone. He shook his head, muttering something under his breath and continued scrolling through.

I was seconds away from getting up to grab my camera from the room, but he reached under the table to grab my legs. I let out a giggle as he places them on his lap and rubbed my ankles gently. I rolled my eyes, laughing softly and he winked at me.

We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes until I was finished drinking my juice. I stood up to clean the kitchen and he quickly looked up. I smiled, kissing his cheek and said, "I'm going to wash the dishes."

He placed his phone down. "Do you need any help?"

I shook my head, kissing his cheek again. "Finish up with those emails."

"I leave the company early for one day and it's like the world falls apart." He sighed, a little annoyed.

I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and whispered, "I understand them. Whenever you leave, my world feels like falling apart."

His eyes widened momentarily and he smiled, turning his head slightly to the side and kissed my hand. "That was the sweetest thing you've ever said to me."

I blushed, realising that he was right. I kind of froze, not knowing what else to say. "I'm going to wash the dishes."

He nodded, releasing my hand and turned back to his emails. I should win an award for ruining sweet moments. I didn't know how to be sweet without feeling like I was going to ruin everything.

Did he mind that I was secretly a sap at heart? I loved the little things he did for me, the non-sexual as well as the physical aspects of our relationship. That man was everything I wanted in a man and I loved him for it.

I wiped down the counter, trying to not drop any bread crumbs on the floor. My attempts went in vain and I ended up sweeping the kitchen.

Luca walked around the counter, wrapping his arms around my waist and whispered, "Thank you for breakfast, cariño. It was delicious."

I smiled, rolling my eyes, waving off his praise. "It was scrambled eggs."

"Doesn't mean they weren't delicious," he countered, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes leaning into him and he pressed a soft kiss against my neck. It wasn't sexual and it should have turned me on, but it just filled me with butterflies and happiness.

I placed my arms over his, squeezing him into me and we began to sway to the beat of the music. I closed my eyes, enjoying how secure and perfect I felt in his arms.

Luca pulled back, twirling me around the kitchen and then dipped me. I burst into another fit of laughter and held his face with my hands as I continued giggling.

I had laughed so much today that I wondered if I had taken in any laughing gas.

"I love you," I blurted out between giggles.

Luca widened his eyes again, this time tensing against our embrace. "W-what?"

I blushed, pressing my face against his chest and whined, "Don't make it awkward!"

"I'm not!" He shook his head quickly, rubbing his opened palm against my back, "I took me by surprise. I'm sorry."

I didn't move. I just held him and tried to hide my face against his chest in embarrassment. I hadn't meant to say it while I laughed, but it was like my mind couldn't wait anymore. I needed to get it out of my chest.

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