Chapter 3

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So Flash and I made the bus, barely. I had to bang on the side of the bus and shout to get the driver's attention to stop the bus and open the doors. But we made it.

"Next time I won't stop!" Our driver Eddie says sourly.

"Alright, Ed." I said as we boarded the bus.

Flash and I took our usual seats near the back and relaxed as the bus drove us to school. Seriously, I think our seats have a 'reserved for Flash and Adrian' sign on it or something. These seats never have been taken all these years I've been going to school. Which is great, so I don't have to be the awkward kid going down the isle looking for an open seat.

I looked around and say our usual crew in the hard school bus seats, part of our football team was sitting in the back, some of the guys from basketball was in the front and the girls were in the middle section. I smiled as I saw that Emily Wilson was sitting a few seats in front of us. Flash likes her and I've been nagging him to ask her to the school dance this year. Right now I don't think he's noticed her,

"Hey flaaaash."

His head swiveled around to face me. "Wut?"

I smirk and nod at Emily, "Emily is here." His eyes go wide and he sits up straight instantly,

"She is?!" I snicker as he colors,

"Hehehe, quiet dumbie, she'll hear you." Flash looked at me, his face red,

"I'm perfectly quiet!" He says highly.

"Whatever." I smile and look out the bus windows, watching the buildings blur as we pass them. It was hypnotizing. And I fell asleep...

(AN: sorry these chapters are so small! They looked bigger on my phone. )

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