Morning After

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***Kayla's POV***

"Ben!" Danny says coming in nude

"What?" Ben says groggily

"Time to....woah....naked Kayla..." he says creepily. I quickly cover up

"What!" Ben asks again

"Oh, we have to go and um... practice for the new tour set" he says

"Great. Now get out" He says getting up and shooing him out.

"I want to use my own shower, not Josh's" I say getting up and wrapping the blue sheet around myself

"Great I'll come with" He says

"Fine" I say exasperated. We walk out into the hallway with passed out boys from different bands. We walk in to see Petite Cookie and Jake cuddling, fully clothed

"Bloody Hell" I say waking Petite Cookie up

"Hey Kayla" she says rubbing her head

"Hangover" I ask


"Have a fun night with Jake?" I say pointing at him

"Omg! I swear nothing happened"

"I know you have your dress on still and he still has pants so"

"Haha good" She says smiling

"Well" Ben says uncomfortably since he does not have a sheet to cover him

"Yeah we are gonna take a shower. Don't leave. Promise?"

"Promise" she says. And we exit into the bathroom

"Twenty minutes" Danny says outside the door

"Okay" Ben calls.

We chat about his set and what not and exit the shower.

"By babe" He kisses me and leaves with the rest of Asking Alexandria

By now most guys have left. The only people here are Vic, Jake, Petite Cookie, Kellin and me.

"Well what now?" I as we all sit a on the couch

"We could clean up..." Petite Cookie says looking around in horror

"No... too lazy" I say

"I HAVE AN IDEA" Vic yells

"What?" Kellin asks

"It's a surprise" he says "get in the car"

We all just follow along. I mean how bad could it be? Vic drives, Kellin in the passenger seat, then Jake, Petite cookie and I shove in the back. We drive for an hour blasting music from a variety for bands.

"We're here" Vic says turning off the car

"We're in the middle of nowhere" I say looking around at the vast majority of trees.

"Yes but look into the woods." he say pointing to the right

"Omg! A Lake!" Kellin screams

"Lets go!" Jake says

"I don't have a swimsuit" Petite Cookie whispers

"That's the fun part" I say taking my top off.

"Whoohoo Yeah!" The boys cheer

"Let's go behind the bush so you don't loose your innocence" I say as the boys strip down

"Good" she says. We put our clothes in a pile, run and jump in. Kellin and Vic are already kissing. Petite Cookie swims over to Jake

"Okay boys! Break it up" I say splashing them

"Now you've done it" Kellin yells jokingly and begins splashing me harder

"Ah no!" I scream. Petite Cookie and Jake join in. We Laugh and chill for a while. As I float above the water I look into the sky.

"Oh deary! It's going to rain!" I yell

"Deary?" Vic laughs

"Trying to switch it up" I laugh. Then it begins to down pour, we make a mad dash for the car. Now we are all in a squished car with only underwear on.

"Lets fold down the seats and play truth or dare" Vic says positively

"And not comment on how nude we are" I finish

"Exactly" Jake say

"Okay truth or dare?" Vic says to Jake

"Um truth"

"Virgin or no?"


"ooooooooo" Everyone says causing his face to redden

"Okay um Kellin truth or dare" Jake says


"I dare you to kiss Vic..." he says

"Easy peasy" he says then makes out with him

"Kayla, truth or dare" Kellin asks me after Vic

"Dare of course" I say challengingly

"I dare you to kiss Petite Cookie with tongue." He says maliciously.

"I have a boyfriend"

"We all know you're not gay, just do it" Kellin says

"Are you okay with this?" I say Petite Cookie

"I guess. It's a dare" She says shyly.

"Fine" I say crawling across the car, kissing her on the lips making it noticeable of my tongue slipping in her mouth.

"Ugh. Happy now?" say drinking some water

"Very actually" the guys cheer

"Okay okay" I say calming them down

"Petite Cookie truth or dare?"

"Truth!" she says shyly

"Okay. Tell us how you feel about Jake"

"Well...I think he's cute and stuff" She said with her cheeks redding

"OOOOOOO" Vic and Kellin awwws "someones gotta crush!"

"Stop you guys" I laugh along "she's so innocent"

"Haha someone's gotta change that and it's gonna be Jake!" Vic and Kellin laugh

Jake looks over at Petite Cookie and kisses her holding her at the sides.

"It stopped raining, well its drizzling but we can get our clothes now" I say distracting everyone from the sparks flying out of Jake and Petite Cookie

"I'll get them" Vic says running out of the car

"Never speak of this again?" I look at Petite Cookie

"Absolutely" she says in agreement

"Good" I say as Vic returns with our clothes. I slip into my clothes and Vic drives back to the house.

Lost love (Ben Bruce love story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang