Ending? Or Just Beginning

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***Ben's POV***

James and I set Kayla down on his couch.

"I'll be right back" James says running to get the medical kit.

"Come on Kayla" I whisper to her and kiss her head

"Here, alcohol wipes and gauze" James said

"We'll need to tape the gauze to her head"

"Right. I got this" James said running to the kitchen

"Bloody hell" James yells from the kitchen slamming doors

"What?" I yell getting worried

"No tape"

"That's not terrible."

"I'm gonna go out and buy some" James offers

"Thanks man. You're the best" I say turning to Kayla. I put down a blanket and go get a washcloth to wipe her dripping make up.

****James' POV***

I'm glad to get out of that house. It's disgusting how cute they are together. I want her. She should be mine. I get out of the car and go into Walmart, pick up some tape and beer and go on my way. I need to stop thinking about Kayla...her smooth skin, lathered in the shower. I just want to kiss her neck and rub her skin with lavender soap in the steam of the shower. I feel a bulge in my pants going into the house.

"Woah, see a hot chick?" Ben asks motioning at my hips

"Yeah. You could say that." I say handing him some medical tape and a beer.

"Ouch, guys be quiet." Kayla says rubbing her head

***Kayla's POV***

"You could say that" I hear James say bringing me out of blackness

"Ouch guys be quiet" I say agitated. I rub my head and feel nauseous. I quickly stand up to go throw up but become dizzy.

"Woah there be careful" Ben says holding me up from falling. I vomit on Ben's shoes

"Oh shit sorry" I say. "Ben, carry me to the bathroom please"

Ben carries me and I hold back all my vomit til he sets me next to the toilet. He holds me and my hair and gently sings as I puke my guts into the toilet. I feel done as I lean into Ben.

"Sorry James" I say motioning to his shoes

"No worries love." He says in a caring tone

I look down realizing how much vomit is on my clothes.

"Shit. Look at this" I say looking down.

"I'll let you borrow some clothes and ben can shower you off" James says

"Wait what happened?" I ask

"We'll tell you after you get cleaned up" Ben says.

James leave the bathroom and Ben undresses me and warms the water up.

"I can do it" I say when Ben tries to pick me up to be put in the tub. I stand up bracing myself on Ben, step in and immediately sit down.

"I'm sorry. I really do love you Ben, but Andy..." I say getting cut off.

"I know sweetie. I know" Ben says. He washes me off and shampoos and conditions my hair. Then he wraps me in a soft red towel.

"You guys done? Is she covered?" James said from outside the door

"Yeah." Ben says opening the door and accepting clothes. He puts me in some sweatpants and a band tee then helps me walk to the couch.

"Now, what happened?" I say sitting down

"Well, you and Andy went out to dinner and I guess he got too drunk and hit you pretty hard" Ben says

"Wow, how did you guys know...." I say getting cut off by Ben

"He's done this to other girls. Made them break up with boyfriends and do bad things to them" Ben says

***Ben's POV***

I want revenge. I hate him. He can't do this to girls. He won't anymore.

"I love you" Kayla says burying her face in my chest

"I love you too" I say

The next thing I know the sun is shining through the windows.

"Ben?" Kayla asks picking her head up off my chest "I'm starving"

"I don't know what happened to James" I say "We should find him and go out to a cafe or something"

Kayla shifts off my chest and I go upstairs to find James.

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