Batman arises

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***Kayla's POV***

***After the hospital***

"I have a surprise for you" Josh says walking into our house. The tour stopped after my mishap was on the news. I was sitting on the couch with Ben's arm around my shoulders.

"Hey!" Andy Biersack says walking through my cream colored door.

"Oh my God Hi!" I said excitedly

"Chill babe, don't fangirl" Ben says jokingly

"But it's Andy!" I whisper

"Hey beautiful." Andy says sitting down next to me

"Hi" I say shyly

We talk for hours and talking turns to shooting each other with Nerf guns.

"I'm wiped" Ben says "I'm going to bed"

"I'm not tired I might stay downstairs and watch a movie with Andy if thats cool with him" I say

"You haven't slept since the hospital" Ben says concerned

"I'm not tired."

"I don't mind staying up. I don't sleep much either." Andy says

"Night Babe" Ben says giving in, kissing me and going to bed.

Andy turns on the TV and invites me to lay on his chest. I grab a blanket and slip in, he turns on some comedy movie but turns the volume down. I think he hopes I will sleep.

"You got a girlfriend" I ask looking up

"Yes." he replies "Hey Kayla?"


"Why'd you do it" He asks. We sit in silence, I hear laughing coming from the TV

"Everything" I finally say. He turns off the lighting dimming the room making him look sexier than he already is.

"Wanna talk about it" He says as I lay my head on his chest

"Ben and I got in a fight and I guess it just freaked me out. That mixed with my abusive father and careless mother." I say. He tilts my head up.

"No man should make you feel that way, Ben and your dad."

I was speechless. I love Ben. I love Ben. I love Ben. I love B.... My thought got cut off by Andy kissing me. It was a long passionate kiss. I felt more sparks with Andy that I have ever felt with Ben. Our lips parted, and I longed for more. Speechless. Still.

"I know we are both dating someone and this is wrong. But ever since I saw you, I just thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Andy breaks the silence.

"I like you too...your interviews and music, you are just an inspiration and yeah" I say

He kisses me again. He pushes me down gently laying on top of me. Sliding his tongue, caressing my hair. I feel a bulge coming in my leg coming from his hips. He slides my clothes off and I take his off. He slides his hand up my thigh taking off my panties. He kisses my neck then work his way down to my breasts. I let out a low moan. Something fires inside me flipping him onto the bottom and kissing his stomach then working my way down to his manhood.

"Ohhhh Kayla" He moans. I stop just before ejacculation then we get into it. After he's finished he goes down to me, licking and fingering my already wet female zones.

We finish and cover up with a large fleece blanket. I lay on top of him listening to his heart beat, we are still on the couch.

"What are going to do?" Andy asks

"About our relationships?" I clarify

"Yeah. I mean this is more than a one nightstand"

"I know. And I like you a lot. But Ben...." I say

"Hey, we don't need to decide now. But I really was to try it out, you being, well mine"

"I would really like that."

"We should work this out then"

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