t h i r t y o n e • Comfort

Start from the beginning

Thankfully, nobody was up there. You went out to the balcony.

"You want to talk about it?" Someone asked from behind you. You turn sharply to see Harry Potter, concern written across his face, leaning out to you.

You shook your head no, softly. He sighed but went to stand next to you.

"Fine, I'll just talk to you about other things." He swore he saw a corner of your mouth twitch upward slightly.

"I met with Professor Lupin the other day, about the boggart thing... and apparently, he knew my mother and father. They were friends before... well, you know." He told you.

You gasped, realizing something. You turned around and tightly hugged Harry, not noticing that his cheeks turned pink in the process.

You weren't thinking about the grief Harry had to face every day. He had lost both of his parents when he was only a baby.

"I'm so sorry Harry! I've been so selfish and ignorant! I've just lost my father while you've lost both your parents." You told him sincerely. "I have no right to complain to you."

He noticed that tears were running down your cheeks, slightly making his robe wet. He stoked your hair and let you cry.

"Don't worry about it (Y/n), I don't even remember that night... I wasn't able to really form a connection with them, even though I wish I had. You've known your father for 13 years! It's such a loss." He told you seriously, not letting you feel guilty about it. He found himself immensely content with the current situation he found himself in, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the contact.

You looked up at him, emerald green met (e/c).

"I'm sorry for getting your robe wet..." you told him softly, patting his chest.

In that moment, Harry realized he was whipped. His eyes widened beyond his glasses at your expression. Slightly swollen eyes didn't make you any less beautiful in his eyes.

He couldn't help himself. One glance went to your pouted lip and he tilted your chin, connecting his lips with your own.

You were in shock for a second. Before closing your eyes and returning the kiss.

Harry himself was in bliss, especially when she placed a hand on the side of his face. They separated and both blushed.

"So... what now?" You asked, confused on what it meant.

Harry looked extremely anxious all of a sudden. He placed his hands on yours.

"Um... I mean well, maybe we could uh...-" he as cut off when you kissed his cheek.

"Yes.. I'll be your girlfriend." You stated boldly, chuckling lightly at his expression. You knew it was the right response as he let out a sigh of relief and smiled brightly.

He put his arm around your waist as you both moved to be on the balcony, looking onto the sky.

"You know, I would ask you to go to Hogsmeade with me for our trip, but I didn't get the permission slip signed..." he told you honestly.

"Uncle Vernon?" You asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, don't forget Aunt Marge as well. Might be floating around in the stratosphere by now.." he joked. You laughed. He looked down at you, proud to have made you smile.

"Well I was planning on staying in the castle anyway too. Would you like to accompany me?" You asked him. He nodded enthusiastically.
Meanwhile in the Slytherin dorms....

It was silent.


"Do you think Tom Riddle is a virgin?" Blaise asked randomly, still lying on his own bed. Hands behind his head.

Draco sat up from his own rest. "He's sixteen. Have you seen him?" At this, he laid back down. "Of course he's not a virgin."

Blaise wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"Who do you think it was with?"

Theo smirked. "Maybe it was Aunt Bella." He said with a pointed look towards Draco.

Draco gagged and had to swallow down a little bile that had risen to his throat. "Don't make me choke." He said, gagging more.

"Oh, I'm sure Aunt Bella did." Theo commented, causing him and Blaise to laugh at their friend's sicken face.

Draco glared at them, "Go to sleep, you pricks."
At the moment, You were walking down with Harry to Professor Lupin's office, hands entwined.

Sometimes, there are rumors you don't mind spreading.

You opened the door to his office.

"Hey Professor Lupin!" You greeted.

The Professor's smile faltered for a moment before returning to normal.

"Hello (Y/-- Miss Avendale." He caught himself.

"Let's go on our walk then, shall we?" He gestured to the open door.

Oh, don't think he didn't notice the joined hands. For whatever reason, he felt a strange protectiveness over you, but he knew if Harry was anything like James, he was pining over the girl for the longest time.

He'd be sure to keep an eye on that development.

Harry and him were mostly talking about dementors, school time, even Harry's parents. You didn't feel like you should join in on conversation so instead began balancing on the large roots from the trees.

"Would you want to join us,             (Y/n)?" Harry asked you, your head shot up.

"Huh? I apologize, I wasn't really listening." You told them bluntly. They both chuckled.

"We know you weren't, would you like to join us to learn the Patronus charm?" Lupin asked you, still smiling.

Your eyes widened. "The Patronus Charm? The defense against dementors and lethifolds? Also, secondary use can be for communication purposes?" You remember reading up on it during your summer research your... dad, put you up to.

"Someone's been doing their homework." Lupin said with a bright smile.

You rubbed the side of your arm. "You.. could say that. I'd love to learn." You said eagerly. Harry grinned at you.

Remus Lupin was glad. That in some way he was still able to help them.
A/n- just to make you more sad, btw Remus' heart sunk when (Y/n) called him 'Professor Lupin'

hA lol


9K!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIAS! Gracious...Hahaha... well, I'm sooooooo grateful for you all! This thank you note is really cringeworthy... I'll stop now😂 but thank you all, seriously. Or should I say.... siriusly

Ok ok I'll stop

Until next time cooks' 🍪

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