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Brian's POV

I went home as soon as Cynthia left.

I couldn't stand to be around the guys as they talked about Cynthia and the dipshit she was on a date with.

I didn't see this coming.

When me and Eva became friends with benefits, it never occurred to me that she would eventually get a boyfriend and be with a guy that wasn't me.

I could be with anyone I wanted, but Eva, no, she could only be with me.

I don't know why all of a sudden I was feeling territorial.

Me and Eva were never supposed to be anything other then fuck buddies.

We weren't even supposed to be that.

When she came down the stairs tonight, and I saw her all dressed up and looking sexy, I thought she did that for me.

And when she said she was going on a date, anger surged through me.

I realized that I didn't want her to be with another guy.

She belonged with me.

Only me.

How was I supposed to make her see that when she thinks I only want her for sex.

For a long time, I thought that was the only reason I wanted her.

But now things are different.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

Eva's POV

The date was so fun.

We went to eat in the park.

He had a picnic set up in the middle of the park.

It was so cute.

We had a candle lit picnic and we talked about the things that have been going on the past few years.

"So what about relationship wise? Hows that been going?" Luke asked.

I looked down.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't ask that." I said.

"Why? What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"My dating history isn't the best." I admitted.

"Well no ones is. Why don't you let me know." He said.

"Jimmy says all the guys I'm attracted to are nymphos and alcoholics. I haven't really had a steady boyfriend, but, I've sort got a friend with benefits." I said, looking down.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Please say something." I murmured.

"I don't have much to say to that. Never thought you'd be one for friends with benefits. You're better than that." Luke said sincerely.

"I know. I didn't think I would be either. People do crazy things when they're in love." I said softly.

Luke looked at me.

"In love? If you're in love with this guy, then why aren't you two together?" Luke asked.

"Its, complicated." I said after a moment.

"I'll help you uncomplicate it." Luke said.

"I, was extremely drunk and I slept with one of my brothers best friends. I've let myself be used and tossed to the side whenever he wants. All because somewhere between the two years we've been doing this shit, I started falling in love and wanting more then just sex." I said pathetically.

Luke reached out and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly.

"Why don't you tell him you fell in love with him? He might feel the same way about you." Luke said.

"Its not likely. Brian, is one of my brothers best friends. If this ends badly, their friendship could be ruined. I will not be the cause of that." I said firmly.

Luke looked at me and stares into my eyes.

"Eva. You do know that if you keep this all to yourself, its going to eat you up inside. You can't do that to yourself. Tell him." Luke said.

"Luke I can't. I wouldn't be able to handle it if he turned me down. It may sound pathetic, but I feel secure in the fact that I wont lose him if I keep giving him what he wants." I said.

"Evalice Sullivan, you are so much better than the shit this guy is putting you through. If he can't understand that you are worth fighting for, and protecting, and being with, then he doesn't deserve you. You deserve so much more and its killing me that you think Brian using you as a quick fuck, is okay." Luke said.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I hear what you're saying Luke. But I can't tell him how I feel. It would kill me if he didn't feel the same." I whispered.

Luke looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Please don't give me pity, Luke. I can't handle it." I said.

"You are so much stronger then you think you are. One day, you're gonna realize it." He said.

"You're so sweet, Luke. I forgot about that." I said with a smile.

"I'm not sweet. You're just not used to my charm." Luke said with a smile.

"You're gonna meet a real nice girl one of these days. She's gonna be one lucky girl." I whispered.

"Yeah. Lucky girl. What is that? Girls are so fake. Can't tell the real ones from the genuine ones anymore." Luke whispered, and looked down.

I reached out softly and pulled his chin up until he was looking at me.

"Trust me. If anyone deserves it, its you." I murmured.

"You know you really are something special. Its a shame this guy can't see that. When he finally does, it'll be too late." Luke whispered.

"Hopefully I'll be smart enough to end this before it ends me." I whispered.

"You're strong. Don't forget that." Luke whispered.

He leaned in slowly, giving me enough time to pull away if I wanted to, and kissed me.

He just pressed his lips to mine at first, looking me in the eyes when he pulled away.

He stayed looking at me, until I pulled him back to me.

The feel of his lips on mine was gentle, yet firm.

It was a few minutes later that we pulled away from each other.

"Wow." I whispered.

"Yeah, wow." Luke said with a smile.

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