He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully

Start from the beginning

"Ah, I see. It must suck having Er work obnoxious hours as a nurse. Bright side to my job, I don't have a wife or kids to worry about, so when I'm in Phoenix or Chicago for a few weeks, I have nothing to worry about." Damien takes a sip of his own water, nodding.

Jay's blood was boiling. Nobody ever called Erin "Er" except him. That was his nickname for her, and the thought of anyone else calling her that made his muscles tighten. But then again, he was undercover. He had to keep his cool, because if he lost it, there was no coming back.

"I bet that's nice. Erin and I try to work hours out to have time alone, and it's not to bad. The hospital is lenient about things, so it's not as bad. And the doctor Erin works for, has multiple nurses, two or three, so Erin doesn't work as much as an ER nurse." He has no idea what he is talking about. Jay at the moment was relieved Will was a doctor and always talked about his shift  at the ER, so he knew somewhat.

Jay made a mental note to himself- Call Will as soon as he got back to the hotel, because he had no idea how to portray his wife's job.

All Damien did was nod. "You and Erin talk about kids?" The question through Jay off.

Of course he wanted kids. And with Erin? Even better. They would be perfect, having his freckles and their mother's dimples. That was probably his favorite physical feature about Erin. Her dimples. When she would smile? god her smile alone almost pushed him over the edge, and when she would laugh, her dimples would shine. Her face glowed all day. And all of that in a child of theirs? He thought the idea was perfect.

"Yes, of course. We have talked about it, and after our honeymoon we will probably start trying." Jay collected his clubs and picked his out, walking onto the way fair, the clouds above not looking promising.


"So, what would we like to do today?" The stylist asked Erin.

The district agreed to pay for all expenses, a spa day included. Jay was at the country club with Damien all day, and Erin had a relaxing day at the spa. "Lets do the whole nine yards." She smiled, admiring her wedding ring. She felt like a new person after last night, and this morning Jay and her both agreed they would start dating. That made Erin's whole world change. Finally.

"Right this way, Mrs. Halstead. I'd like to start you off by having a manicure and pedicure, if that's okay?" Her name tag read, Ellie.

"Sounds perfect." Erin's eyes glowed being acquainted as Mrs. Halstead.

Ellie gave her a smile before leading her over to the nails area. "Here is the remote, so watch whatever you want. After this we have a massage, facial, hair and a few other surprises your husband requested for today. Did you want any wine? We have red and white, alongside salads for lunch."

"Can I have red, please." Erin asked before picking up her phone, texting her husband.

You got me a few surprises at the spa? Any reason why?

"I'll be right back with that, Mrs. Halstead. And before we get started will you please go put on your white robe? It's yours to keep, your name is stitched onto it, at your husband's request."

Erin nodded before following Ellie into the changing room. "You can set your clothes on the bench and we will have someone put them in a bag for you." She smiled, closing the wooden door behind her, leaving Erin all alone.

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