Ch 31 - Power Strip

Start from the beginning

"Huh?" She blushed.

"Like banshees apparantly. She talks to forward. Just simply straight talk. No nonsense approach."

"I see Love. But hey, I trust you."

"I would hope my wife to be trusts me." You wrap around Rias. Eyes lock. "I love you."

"I love you too. Possibly more."

"I highly doubt that. We won't debate this now."

"I'm letting you go to the titty bar..."

"You saved my life, cleared my head, and accepted my proposal."

"I'd say even."

"Far enough."

"Just wake me up when you get home tonight from this setup she put together. Fair?"


"Oogling is fine. Fondling is not."

"Or I can have my fiancè."

Rias blushed. "Why so naughty?"

You snatch her hand. "Pot calling the kettle black."

"I'm needy. That a bad thing?"

"Only when it's major possessive."

"Hormones Honey. I'll work on it."

Rias had a good point. But you thought she would stop this so called test. Being the jealous type it was a shock that she didn't. But at the same time it was also a test for Issei, Gasper, and Kiba. Issei being the real kicker. He had four woman on his list. He didn't need a fifth.


Grayfia teleports the four of you of you to the local strip club Ecstasy's Lounge. She goes to the bar to the owner.

"These four are guests tonight. Get a tab going and I'll pick it up at the end of tonight. Name is Gremory."

"Gremory? You mean?"

"My husband is Sirzechs. I am his wife and Queen. Till then my good sir."

And with that Grayfia walked clean out of there. You look at the guys and you look around the area. You guys aren't alone. A familiar face is there too.

"Saji?" Called Kiba.

The boy turned around. "Hey. Guys what's up?"

"We're being tested Saji. And this is my Bacholer party."

"Whoa. You and Rias are getting married?" He gasped.

You nodded. "Yup."

"That is insane. Dude we got to celebrate together."

"Careful now Saji. Can't speak for Issei but myself, Kiba, and Gasper got to watch out."

"Don't have the little guy dance on the pole. He already looks too cute to begin with."

"Well I have thought about being his agent." You chuckle.

Issei and Saji glare at you and shack their heads. "Don't you dare." They ordered.

Kiba actually wasn't too worried about this. Although he knew in the back of his mind that if Tsubaki came with Sona to pick up Saji again, he was just plain screwed.

"Saji does Sona know you're here?"

He sweatdropped. "Uhhhh... how do I explain?"

"So that's a no. If her and her Queen come in you know I'm in trouble."

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