New School Year

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Guys before I start, just want to say that all of this story is from Rohan's POV. This is book 2, so to know who Rohan is and how he got here read book 1 which is "the forest: and it's secrets" Okay, and another thing I'm going to start doing is, I'm going ask a question according to the story and please comment your answer. When you finish reading the chapter, you'll figure out whether your answer was correct, incorrect or close. In this chapter I won't ask one because it's the first chapter, you guys have no idea what's gonna happen. Okay story time.

Ugh. It is a new school year at Royal-training Academy(RTA), and historically speaking all the students with post should introduce them self and give a speech to the newly orientated soon-to-be kings and queens. Me as the royal head senior prefect and the academy's fencing captain, I have the hardest task, well not hard but most difficult task of all of us.

Okay I need to get out of bed. This is like the latest I've ever slept in. It's like 8:45am and I'm still in sheets. I know that's early but it's late for the professors and the head mistress here.

Okay I'm here in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard my dorm room knocking, wonder who. Probably an other prefect telling me to come for breakfast before it's done. You know for a guy this popular I shouldn't have to wait in a line to get breakfast but it's principle.

"I'm coming!" I shouted then ran to the door in my PJ's.

"Good morning sir" I was greeted at the door with.

"Dude! I told you not to call me that, only in the presence of other student or the high authorities" after I said that he motioned his head down the hallway, showing me the head mistress coming towards us. "Oh oh" I finished my statement.

"Okay, you better go inside and change before she goes 'rulers don't sleep in' on you" he said in a reassuring tone.

"Okay see at breakfast… which is about in 10mins or less" I said and closed the door behind me.

That was my best friend Martin Ferguson. We've been friends since we were orientated here. I was selected to be a royal prefect a year before him. I thought he would get jealous cause he is a better candidate than me, but he didn't so yeah we're bros for life.


Head Mistress: good morning royal candidates, today is the beginning of your life in the royal world. Okay now you'll hear from your prefects and head boys and girls.

Okay that was Mrs Wisdom our head mistress. I'm going to make my speech last or just before the royal anthem.


Okay so it's my turn now, oh lord this year looks bigger than last… okay let's do this.

Me: good day everyone, my name is Mikel Mortel Prince Of Deansvale. I'm your head royal prefect and your fencing captain. In this academy you will…


After we all gave our speeches it was greeting time and we all said hello to each other.

It is now time for the welcome to school ball for the new candidates.

My second year was very fun, I didn't have to go to the ball but now that I'm prefect and all I have to be there to set example to the new candidates.

We are given 30mins to prepare for the ball and get familiar with our dorm rooms. I am here sitting on my bed thinking what should I wear to the ball this year? When my phone buzzed.

Mrs Wisdom: good evening Mr Mortel, I have good news and bad news

Me: yes ma'am please share

Mrs Wisdom: our new candidates will have a great time at the ball tonight!

Me: am guessing that's the good news, so what is the bed news?

Mrs Wisdom: um…well… I know that this is sudden but…um, uh… you are going to be the moderator this year.

Great just great. Not only I get to be among allot of immature probably spoiled royal-bloods, but also have to entertain them. Great! Can this day get any worst. With that thought, my phone buzzed again, twice. I just had to think that.

(Bfl=bro for life)
BFL: hello! What is wrong with you!?

Okay, this must be a prank

Me: I'm here! Martin, chill and tell me what's up

BFL: can't do that now. Oh and I know you have a party to moderate in like about 15-20mins but you are NEEDED at this board meeting right now in the professor's lounge. SO GET YOU'RE ASS DOWN HERE!!

Me: what? Why? Okay I'll be there

He can be so dramatic sometimes. Wonder what is the meeting about now. And why so sudden and can't wait until tomorrow.
I left my room in haste to the lounge


"Okay I'm here! Sorry if I was a hold up. What's up? I said as I burst through the door.

"Okay, now that you are her. Let's begin shall we." Mrs Wisdom said commencing the meeting

"Sure go ahead and begin" Mr Blake stated

"I called this meeting so urgent because I just got the email. We are gonna be getting a transfer candidate to be trained and-" Mrs Wisdom was interrupted by Mr White question

"Transfer candidate, okay. Why couldn't this wait until tomorrow?" I totally agree with him. Then Mrs Wisdom finish her announcement.

"And this new candidate is not a descendant of any of our kingdoms. But she is from the other side. She got thrown out of her school because she was being good in a evil…well in thee Long Live Evil School(LLES). It was brought to the attention of a few kingdoms and the kings ask said she deserves a chance in RTA, even if she's not going to ever be a queen anywhere"

"What are the names of the kingdoms that agreed to this again?" I asked. I know father and mother agreed but still had to ask.

"Well, Deansvale, Deansville, Deansport and a few others including a evil kingdom called 'The Underworld'" Mrs Wisdom replied

"You do know that the evil kingdoms have no say in our decision making procedures" the school's secretary Ms Natalie reassured

"Okay, fine. When is this new girl coming?" I asked

"Probably this week or next" Mrs Wisdom answered

"Okay. Can I be excused now? I have a ball to moderate in less than 5mins." I said as I stood up.

"Sure. Have fun!" I heard who sounded like Mr Parker, not sure. He doesn't really talk much so his voice is kinda hard to recognize.


Oh boy! What am I going to do to there

"Make welcome your moderator!" I heard the Dj voiced over the microphone and the crowd started applauding.

Oh Lord! Here goes nothing.

"Hey everyone! Who is ready for the ball of their lives!? I shouted before taking up the earpiece.

This is the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

Oh and hope you're not confused.
If you are looking for 'Rohan Courtney' from book 1 'The Forest: And it's Secrets' An will come about in the next chapter or third cheaper. But soon thought

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