Please No Group

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Chapter 6: Please No Group

"Okay Sarah your new here so I'll give you a tad reason why we do group" she stood up and placed her hands together.

The chairs formed a circle, each of them filled by a person.

Except for the one mrs.Jefferson just stood up from. I looked across from me and there was Raven. Her eyes slowly made there way to mine. She must've noticed that I looked at her.

I gave her a small wave and she winked back. She licked her lips then adjusted her attention back to mrs.jefferson and so did I " The whole point of Group for me is to bring us all together. It's to help each of us improve our lives in a way " she walked back to her chair and sat down.

"It's to show that none of us are alone anymore. We have each other." She smiled. Great Introduction. I almost wanted to open up for a second. To late now. I'm not a bitch or anything, I'm just not up for the opening up crap. I don't need everyone in this room knowing my business, like I said before I don't want nor need anyone's pity.

This isn't her way of showing that she cares or for us to improve. It's for her to know what's exactly going on in are corrupted little heads.

" Audrey would you like to share anything with us " she pointed at Audrey.

My gaze followed hers.

The female she pointed at had wavy dark brown hair that stopped a bit past her shoulders. Her eyes were blue and her skin Chocolate. She spoke with an accent. A Jamaican accent. She had on bloody red lip stick and a pretty smile.

"Well yeah" she sat up in her seat.

"Ok so.. I've already been here for 5 months " she smiled a bit and then her lips traveled back down to their original position. " It hurts knowing that there's not much foster families out there that wanna adopt anyone my age" she looked down and started to scratch the red polish off her fingernails " They all want babies" she let out a little chuckle, but you could tell it was forced.

" I think I've already came to terms with myself that I won't be able to have my own family. I'm sixteen and all my life I've jumped from foster home to foster home " she sighed. From my seat I could see her eyes start to redden and water. I felt goosebumps start to creep up my arm.

" I just want to be somewhere that I know won't just be temporary, somewhere that I know for a fact that the people won't give me up like I'm some borrowed toy" the way she talked about this made me feel some kind of way. Even though I got the experience of having a beautiful family. I was now like her. Alone.

I wanted to comfort her because I know it exactly how it feels now to have something you still want so bad taken away from you. Are stories were very different but also very similar.

" I want a family. A mom, A dad. Maybe sisters and brothers" she smiled. Her face brightening up As if she was imagining at the moment what it would be like.

" but I don't know if I ever will " she gave us another half smile.

" hey.. you do have a family" interrupted the girl next to her

Her eyes dark brown, her hair blond and her skin white. She had small freckles surrounding both sides of her cheeks.

" We might not be exactly what you've dreamed of but you have to look at the fact that your no longer alone out there with some random foster family"

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