Doom stepped towards Sue and Reed. "And so five became none. It's my time now."


The wall broke down and in came Ben...or instead....The THING!

"Vic! It's Clobbering time!" Ben roared as he stomped to Vic and slammed a rocky fist into Doom.

Doom flies into the opposite wall and crashed into it. Debris fell on top of him.

Ben turned towards Reed and said "Victor's 'not that bad' huh? Just 'a little larger than life'? Maybe you'll listen to me next time before, as he unhooked Reed.

A clatter of noise interrupted him. Ben turned towards the noise. Doom emerged from the debris and now angry as ever, he charged for Ben and they both crashed through the glass window into the air. They plummet to the ground and crashed through another building. They landed in the hotel pool and they punched and kicked each other in the water. Doom landed a punch and Ben slammed into the floor and the floor cracked open.

The water and the men all went through the crack into the hallway below. The wave of the water pushed them to a closed window and they crashed through it. They flew out and crash landed in a garbage truck.

The truck rocks back and forth as they punched each other. All of sudden the truck stops moving and a dark figure flies out of it. Ben lands on a car, and his head cracks the window. The two old ladies inside the car scream as Doom gets out of the mangled truck. His hands crackle with energy as cops aim their gun at him.

Ben looks at the ladies, and ask "Excuse me Ma'am, Can I borrow your car?"

The driver nods and gets out of the car. "The clutch sticks a little" she said, shaking.

Ben lifted the car and grunted. "Not gonna be a problem" he said as he threw it at Doom.

The car crashes into Doom and he flies back onto an oncoming bus. Doom steps out as electricity sparks around him. He grabs a broken pole and swings it towards Ben. Ben flew back onto the road, making a crater as he continued backwards until he finally stops. Ben lays there as Doom walks up to him, the pole still in his hand. He raises the pole, about to swing it down and before he hits Ben, a voice called out into the screaming noise of cars and people.

"I can't let you do that" Reed said.

Doom turned towards Reed, who is slowly walking towards him.

"And you can't stop me" Doom said, turning back to Ben and raises the pole, and as he swung it, resistance met the pole. He looks at the pole in mid- air and smiles behind his mask.

"Hello Susan" He said, turning towards the visible Sue.

Sue, using the force field, pushed the pole out of Doom's hand. Ben gets up from his position and goes to stand in between Sue and Reed.

"What is this? The pitiful three?" Doom said, stepping towards them. A voice called out from above.

"Four" Johnny said, landing on the ground. He hurled a fireball at Doom.

Ben looked towards Johnny. "Nat?"

Johnny looked at Ben and sadly shook his head.

Doom smiled. "So I did knock off a team member. Five down to four now. Pity"

Ben roared.

Doom laughed as he filled his body with electricity. "This is going to be fun!"

Doom starts to fire off electric spurts at the team and the surrounding bystanders.

"Sue!" Reed called out.

"Got it!" Sue said, as she created a force field that expanded to cover the bystanders from harm. The field couldn't last long as blood started to trickle down out of her nose. She started to shake, and slammed one knee down to the ground.

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