Arranged Marriage

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Arranged Marriage💍

"Sweetie! Your soon to be husband is downstairs waiting for you!" My dad called me.

This guy must be my third fiancé because they always give up on me. I hate being set-upped in this kind of situation. I believe that there is someone that is right for us. We have to work on our own to find that Mr. Right.

"Coming dad!!"

I'm wearing this navy blue long dress because it compliments my skin. Slowly, I'm walking down the stairs. Not even a bit excited meeting my new fiancé.

Our dads are talking about business when I arrived at the dining room.

"Oh here she is!!" My dad said. "Come here Sulli! Mr. Choi meet my Daughter Sulli. Sulli this is your new fiancé, Minho Choi."

I looked at mr. Choi and bowed. Then looked at his son.




2 weeks ago

I'm here at the mall. Shopping for dresses and stuffs. I was carrying lots of paper bags when suddenly, someone bumped on me.

"Hey watch it!!" I said

"You're the one who's not looking!" He said.

"Oh so it's my fault?! If you could just help me with my stuff!" I said with madness in me.

Then look at him he's handsome. But he's only staring at his phone texting. Then he ran.

"HEY!!!! HEY MISTER!" Oh my gosh this is the first guy that did this to me.

I just picked up my bags and went to the parking lot. I went home and my dad told me that I'm having a new fiancé.

I can't believe he's doing this to me. I'm her only daughter that's why he has no choice. I'm the future of our business.

Ugh! I need to unwind. I'll just go to this cafe near our house. I want some nice frappuccino.


Minho's POV

I was at the mall. I'm texting Yuri because we had a fight and she's breaking up with me.

Yeah it sucks that she's breaking up with me but I love her. I need to bring her back.

I'm walking fast when I bumped onto someone.

"Hey watch it!" She said. Oh this girl has a temper.

"You're the one who's not looking!" I said coldly.

Then she started blabbering like that. Then I receive a text from Yuri telling me to go to this cafe and talk.

I rushed through the crowd and run as if it's my last.


Sulli's POV

I'm here at the cafe staring at the people. Then I saw this couple. The girl is facing me. They're like having a fight. Someday I want to have that someone who would fight for me.

Then a guy entered and kissed the girl on the cheeks! Woah I thought they're a couple? Then the girl and the guy left leaving the other guys who's here earlier.

I don't know if it's just me or the guy is crying. I don't know but I have this urge to comfort people in times like this.

I went to the chair opposite him. "Do you mind?" I asked.

He shook his head. Then he looked at me. WTH!? He's the guy earlier.

"Oh!" The only thing me managed. "I'm the know..." He said. Taking breaths in between.

"Shh it's alright!" I said.

"So do you want someone to talk to?" I asked.

"Yes. I would love to especially a stranger like you." He said. "Oh I'm Minho by the way. You are?" He offered his hand.

"Sulli. Nice to meet you!" I reached for his hand and shook it. Woah did I ate butterflies?!

"So the girl earlier? Her name's Yuri. She's my girlfriend for like 3 years. And then my dad said I'll have a fiancée, you know arranged marriage thingy." He said

"Yes I feel you. I'm about to meet him soon too. Ugh I hate my dad for that but I know he only cares for my future." I said.

"Yeah dads being dads! So when she found out, she's breaking up with me. Which is a little weird. Then I caught her kissing with my bestfriend. But I don't mind it because I love her. I can forgive her. But she's breaking up with me. Then today i realized that I'm such a douchebag for being blinded by love. And it hurts like hell. It's not about the engagement it's about her cheating on me with my bestfriend." He said

"Aww that really hurts. I cant say that it's okay because I haven't experienced that. But I know you'll move on. Maybe your fiancée will be like the girl really meant for you." I said. I look at my watch. Sh*t it's already 7pm. My dad's waiting!

"Oh shit! I have to go my dad is at home and he wants to eat dinner with me." I said.

"Let me take you home.!" Minho said. Dug dug dug my heart beating fast.

"No thanks it's just walking distance. Thank you for your time!" I said.

"Okay take care! Oh and sulli can we meet again? Here? Sometime?" He said

"Yeah sure!"


Present time; Minho's POV

".....this is my daughter Sulli!" WTH?!



We said in unison.

"Seems like you two have met before. Minho take her to the terrace. You need some get to know more. We'll call you if the food is ready!" My dad said.

Walking her to the terrace.

"You know i never even got the chance to get your number. I don't know how to contact you. I'm at the cafe everyday waiting for you to stop by or something." I broke the silence.

"Omg i almost forgot about the cafe thing. I'm sorry. But now look we are even engaged. What are we looking for?" She said. She's so pumped up.

"You know why I'm always at the cafe? Sulli because talking to you made me realize things and I think i like you. It's not that clear because I cant stop thinking about you." I said. Honestly.

"Maybe we are really meant to be." She said I was shocked at her response.

"Yeah maybe this is the start of 5ever because forever doesn't exist." I said.

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