~Chapter 5- Women~

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Author Note: If you don't like the idea of other females then it's your problem because this is my story, my rules. SO DEAL WITH READERS! Plus its suits the plot.


A week later after a lot of parenting lessons from Prussia/ books, and becoming better at looking after (Y/N). Having many visits from England, France, Spain, America, Canada even Romano! 

When France, America, Canada, England came to visit the Axis to see how (Y/N) was going. They were so surprised at what they saw and heard. France went crazy because (Y/N) was dressed up like Chibitalia and (Y/N) was calling him uncle. Plus the fact he was proud that Italy grew up and 'married' Germany. America was so happy to call (Y/N) his cousin and she called him big cousin Hero. Canada was happy he was noticed by his new little cousin. England became so done with (Y/N)'s intelligence because 1. He was a guy, not a female so he should be called uncle, not aunty. 2. He didn't like being insulted by his eyebrows. 3. He was DEFINITELY done with (Y/N) saying he was married to France... Much to France's happiness. England was so done with (Y/N).

When Spain and Romano came to visit they were surprised but still love (Y/N) very much even though Romano hated (Y/N) called Germany 'Vatti'. Despite that that Romano was happy to call (Y/N) his niece because she called Spain 'Tio Tomato Jerk'. Spain thought it was cute that (Y/N) acted like Romano as a child. 

But overall, everyone was happy to visit the Axis house just to see chibi (Y/N).

Germany wakes up the next morning to loose long light brown hair in his face but thought nothing of it. He does his new route which is getting ready but also feeds (Y/N) who was up about the same time as him. When he went to tell Italy to get up he didn't find him in the bed but instead he hears a feminist yell from the bathroom. Prussia and (Y/N) ran to Germany's room looking at Germany who was looking at the bathroom door. (Y/N) went to the door and open it to see a woman that looks like Italy but a female version of him. Prussia's flirtiest indistinct kick in and he lean on the door frame and then says 

"Halo, pretty Fräulein~. Did you get lost finding my avesome room and found my Bruder's instead?" 

"Gilbert!" Germany says using his human name instead of his country name in case this was a human and their secret had to be kept. 

"Guys! It's-a me Italy! I just turned into a Bella and a sexy Bella too." Italy says making sexy poses in front of the mirror. 

"Mama! Up! Up! Are you okay?" (Y/N) asks Italy. 

"Si. Why wouldn't I be?" Italy asks picking (Y/N) up. 

"You need a bra, mama and proper female clothes." (Y/N) says with the touch of her old self-talking which are rare moments. (Y/N) jumps out of Italy's arms and took her slender hand in her chubby hand to her bedroom. 

The thing is that Ms Hungary left (Y/N)'s old clothes there just in case the magic wore off. So (Y/N) looked in her bra drawer to see if there were any bras that could fit Italy's female state and other clothes as well. Basically the (Y/N) they knew was still in there and have her moment.

When the two female's left Germany's room, it left Prussia in a state of shock and a nose bleed from Germany. Prussia looks at his brother laughing.

"Keseses! Vest is going to have his first boner if he continues thinking dirty thoughts about Ms Italy with that bloody nose." 

"Bruder! You dummkopf! This is so messed up! Firstly (Y/N) turns into a child then Italy turns into a Frau while sleeping in the same bed as me." Germany says fixing himself from his before state. 

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