Chapter Four

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It was like any other day for Lisa, which she was thankful for. She wondered how long it would be until McGonagall would call her to Dumbledore's office again. Her parents had a knack for requesting to talk to her via Floo at the most random times that Lisa was sure that McGonagall was annoyed with them as much as she was.

And it happened, on the period after lunch. McGonagall came bustling into her History of Magic classroom. Thankfully, they were not doing that much, of nothing, rather, since Professor Binns had decided to take a power nap in between his lectures. Her brows were raised in question upon walking in to the room, before she cleared her throat loudly.

Professor Binns flinched awake, looking around as if he did not know where he was. "Professor McGonagall! It's great to see you. I was just doing a quick review of the Witch Hunts with the children."

She held a neutral look on her face, "Yes...That's not what I saw...No matter...Cuthbert, may I borrow one of your students for a moment? She is needed at Dumbledore's office."

"Why yes, certainly. Who is it, that you need?"

"Ms. Branson," she said, as Lisa rose from her seat, hurriedly collecting all her belongings and shoving it into her bag. "Well now that I thought about it, she might not have time to return to your class, Cuthbert. Will you be okay with her missing the rest of the period?"

"Yes ofcourse, seeing as we're not doing anything too important today."

"Or any day." Lisa heard McGonagall mumble, making her crack a smile.

"It's my parents again, isn't it?" she asked McGonagall, as their walk to the Headmaster's office was getting a tad bit quiet for her liking. She heard her sigh, "You need not ask, Miss Branson. Even Dumbledore doesn't use his fireplace as much as your parents do."

"I told them that they didn't really need to check up on us. But they always seem to insist."

"Well, as inconvenient as it usually is for Dumbledore's schedule, I believe your parents are trying to do a good gesture for you and your siblings."

She looked up at McGonagall curiously, "What do you mean?"

"Considering how awfully busy they are in their careers, they want to show you that they also have time to check up on how you're doing at school. They're, somewhat, compensating for all the times that they've missed out on your lives."

"I never thought of it that way..." she said honestly, the two arriving infront of the gargoyle statues. "You can start seeing it that way now. Fudge flies."

They twisted open, revealing a spiral staircase that lead straight to Dumbledore's office. McGonagall bade her goodbye before Lisa climbed up.

Callan and Maisie were already seated by the fireplace as soon as Lisa stepped in to Dumbledore's office, seeing both of her parents' heads popping out from the fireplace. Maisie smiled at the sight of her older sister, immediately announcing her arrival.

"Mummy, Elisabeth's here!"

"Oh, is she now?" she heard the voice say as she came closer, "Hello, darling! Hope we didn't pull you out of an important class?"

"No, it's fine." she smiled, rather timidly, "So...How is it in Tokyo?"

"Truly amazing. We've just gotten back to our quarters from roaming the place. And the Quidditch delegation here welcomed us warmly. I wish you lot were here to see it."

"Oh, I'm happy I'm not there," she muttered under her breath, just as her brother started to speak, "Will you bring me back some chocolate, mum?"

"Ofcourse we will, dearest. You know, they have this thing called green tea cream here. It's on most of their desserts. For the sake of variety, you know? And they're quite delicious if I do say so myself."

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