The truth about Chase

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By the time Cara Lee got home Chase was asleep. "Of course" Cara Lee muttered to herself.
The next morning, she got up at 6:09am. She was still upset about what she heard yesterday so she decided to get back at Chase. She found an old blow horn in the drawer of randomness. She ran into his room and blew it in his face. "Wake up! We need to talk! " Cara Lee yelled. " okay Sargent" Chase said getting out of bed and rubbing his ears. "Now drop and give me 50! NOW!" Cara Lee said in a firm voice so Chase knew she was serious. While he was doing the push ups she declared he told her everything. " Well I really like Jaiden let me start with..." he was cut off with a bull from Cara Lee. " I do I like her, but you know I have to keep up my rep. And Justin bet me that I would be able to get her, you know..." Chase went from sounded smug to sounded embarrassed. Realizing what he meant she slapped him "you disgust me! I actually talked to her for you. What is your problem! You're not the Chase I thought you were." Cara Lee was so mad and decided she needed to tell Jaiden despite everything going on with Jere and Ryan. It was the right thing to do.
To: Jaiden
Hey, can I come over, I need to tell you something.
From: Jaiden
Of course, wait is it bad 😩
Cara Lee got to Jaiden's house and explained everything to her. It really hurt Jaiden, she explained that she just wanted to be alone for a while and Cara Lee totally understood, Cara Lee apologized and claimed she knew nothing about it, the girls then said byes and parted ways.

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