Chapter 1 Lovely Day for A Murder

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Chapter 1

Lovely Day for a Murder

It began at night exactly at 1:23 am, outside in the cold wet rain. The courtyard of Rosen Mary Church was wet, its pavement hard, but its soil in the gardens drenched. The rain made pit-pat sounds on the trees leaves and branches. It was pleasant to hear. This was what I saw and heard in the beginning of all my dreams.

In the pouring rain a man in a black cloak would carry a baby to the church doors and stroke his head ever so gently. He would always say something to the infant. “Fair well my little Jaybird, maybe we can see each other in the next life to come, for I shall not exist in this one for that much longer.” The man would put the baby next to the doors and knock, then would hurry away from the church grounds. That’s when I would wake up from the dream and whisper the boy’s name, my name.

When I was six, I kissed a girl out of curiosity. Her name was Annie and we had been friends since I was two years old. Our bond ended there though. After giving her the kiss she fell down dead. The first reaction I had was laughter. Her death screwed me up from somehow giving me the feeling I was the cause of it.

The church didn’t know what happened and said it was a death that no one could understand. They couldn’t be more wrong, for after Annie died I saw death staring me in the eye. He smiled at me, filled with a lust for death, proud at the sin I had committed Not long after that I started getting the dream. It felt right to have it, but after awhile I asked Marie the caretaker for the orphans at the church about it. It was strange, she told me that’s how they found me, next to the church doors. She reached into her desk and pulled out a photo of a boy. It was a black and white photo so in must have been old. On the back it said, “Don’t forget your true self.” –Ceil. Marie told me it was found in the bundle I was in and that I could have it. It was the only thing that made me feel sane when I thought of Annie.

Just a little bit less than four years passed. I was nine going on to ten. It took me that long to turn me back into the person before Annie’s death. I became cheery and happy. I talked more to the people around me. I was going to fit in with everyone in this world. I was becoming more or a normal person… at least for a little while.

Everyone that I grew up with at the church had been adopted. I was the oldest out of the children at the church. Only younger kids would show up on the steps. Marie had told me that because of my age difference I could choose any schools I wanted in my high school years. I didn’t want to miss that chance so when I was thirteen I looked at all the schools in the district. I finally picked Harris John High School, named after the founder of the town Rosen Marie. It was a nice school with a courtyard of flowers. The students seemed happy and had a reputation of having the best classes for the arts.

Maybe if I had know what high school life was, I would have enjoyed myself, but a part of me had an impulse to kiss others, never giving me the chance. I stayed away from other students, in fear that they would end up the same way as Annie. Why did that feeling come back?

My grades were on top of the charts which made me skip a few grades. I was going to start my senior year of high school at the age of fifteen. I never knew how intelligent I was becoming over the years, but when skipping became a suggestion I took it. Marie said I was gifted or something and God had blessed me. Phfft. I wanted to smack some sense into her head. There was no way God would give me a blessing, I freakin killed a girl when I was six and laughed like an insane freak. No… I was damned.

When it was fall, I would bundle myself for the cold days that were waiting. The day that I heard Marie talking to sister Lois Friday October third. The room they were in was lit dimly from a lamp on a desk. I peeked through the doors out of curiosity when I heard them say my name as I was about to pass up the door to go to school. Marie looked excited, which she usually was.

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