(2) Who Is That Man?

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Jack woke up first the next day. He lay there silently while Rose was still asleep. After a short while, he stood up and went to the edge of the ship, not letting Rose out of his sight. While staring off into the Atlantic, Jack hears a cheerful voice. "Jack! Jack!" The voice called out. Still staring towards the ocean, now with a confused look on his face, Jack thinks he recognizes this voice, and he suddenly turns around to face the person. "Jack! I'm so happy you're okay!" A man's voice said. "Fabrizio! I didn't know you made it!" Jack smiles and reaches his arms out to hug his friend. "I am so relieved to see you Jack!" Fabrizio repeatedly says surprised his friend was alive. "Where is Tommy? Was he with you?" Jack asked looking around. Grieve stricken, Fabrizio looks Jack in the eyes and begins lowering his head. "I'm afraid not. Actually, he was shot." Fabrizio sadly replies. "Shot? Why?" Jack asks in shock. "Well, people started pushing to get on the life boats, they were aiming the guns at us, they told us not to move." He paused. "Tommy was pushed, and the crew guy thought he was trying to jump on the boat." He paused again. "He was shot right there, in front of me, he died in my arms Jack." Fabrizio continued on. "That's horrible Fabrizio. I'm so sorry you had to be put in that situation.

As Jack and Fabrizio continue on to have a casual conversation, Jack sees a familiar face across the deck. "He's not in the third class, what is he doing down here?" Jack muttered to himself. "Rose, get up quick!" Jack woke Rose up taking the blanket that they were using as a pillow and covered her with it. "Stay here Rose." Jack demanded. "No, I don't want to be separated Jack!" Rose pleaded. "I'll be right back Rose" Jack said to her and turned to Fabrizio, "Keep an eye on her please?" Jack politely asked Fabrizio as he walked further from Rose to keep her from getting noticed. "You!" the man called out to Jack. "What do you want Cal? If you're looking for Rose, she didn't make it." Jack lied. "I don't believe you! Where is she? She is MY fiancée!" Cal shouted. "No Cal, she doesn't love you." Jack said moving closer to him. Nearby, a crew guy realized what was about to happen and ran to get assistance. "So you admit she's here? Right then, step aside and I will find her." Cal says as he tries to walk around Jack. "I won't let you near her!" Jack says as he steps in front of Cal to stop him from walking. "It's not up to you, did you forget? You're a third class rat; she wouldn't end up with someone like you." Cal paused. "Besides, I always win. One way or another." Cal says as he flashes Jack a conniving smile and pushes Jack hard enough to throw him to the deck floor.

Cal rushes off to find Rose just as one of the crew members returns with security men. "It was him! He was causing trouble!" The crew member says pointing at Jack. The security men rush over to Jack and pick him up by his arms holding him captive. Just as the security get hold of Jack, Cal finds Rose. "There you are love. Come on, your mother is worried." Cal smiles and reaches for Roses hand. A yelling Jack can be hear in the background, "Fabrizio, don't let him touch her!" Jack shouts. "We heard you were causing trouble, come with us." The security men demanded. "No! It wasn't me I swear!" Jack pleaded. "We've heard it all before, let's go" The security man say in exhausted tones. As they Try to bring Jack to a lower deck of the ship, he breaks loose and rushes over to Rose. "Get away from her Cal!" Jack yells and pushes him causing him to fall over board. Cal screams and suddenly, you hear a splash. Jack looks over carelessly and returns to Rose hugging her. "Are you okay? I tried to stop him, I'm so sorry rose." Jack expresses to Rose.

About 10 crew members rush to the side of the ship where Cal went over board. "Hold on sir, we're grabbing ropes. Can you swim any closer?" The crew asked Cal. Frustrated Cal begins yelling bashful things that no one could really understand. Jack grabbed Rose and moved away from the men to keep her protected. At this point the security gave up on Jack and turned their attention to a drowning Cal. The men begin tying the ropes to anchor the to the ship and throw them down to Cal. Cal begins making his way up and eventually finds himself back on the deck. "Let us escort you back to the first class section and we will fix this problem later." A crew member demands. The crew member grabs a few blankets giving them to Cal and taking him back over to Rose's mother, Ruth, in the first class section. Rose, now in tears, sighs of relief and hides her face in Jack's chest. "Thank you so much Jack!" She whimpers out. "Can we maybe go in the dining area and get something to eat? I'm hungry." Says a hungry Rose. "Of course we can Rose, Fabrizio, are you coming with us?" Jack asks. "Yeah, I'm a bit hungry anyway. The three make their way down to the dining area and are seated in third class seating areas. There they were served oatmeal porridge and milk with hot tea. This kind of food was new to Rose since she had always been first class woman, but she enjoyed it the same never taking the benefit of eating for granted. Rose, Jack and Fabrizio felt safer in the dining area so they continued the rest of that morning sitting there and talking.

***A/N; If you like it so far, recommend it to your friends please! Always open to feedback and suggestions. Just comment/message me :)***

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