Chapter 2 needless separation

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Chapter 2- Needless Separation

Melanie sat up in horror, as she did Hadassah awoke suddenly wandering what could be so terrible as to make her gentle sister Melanie scream so loudly in fright. She was about to ask Melanie what had happened but she didn’t have to. She looked around.

What was before a cramped, efficient, weather proof tent, was now a more spacious, circle of fine materials and rugs, draped up by masts and hooks around the sleepy girls. Hadassah observed that they lay on soft rugs and blankets covered in many patterns and intricately colourful designs.

Hadassah could hardly breathe. Neither of the two understood where they were and both sat in a horrible but wonderful shock. They weren’t sure whether to gape at the exquisite surroundings or to gape in horror.  Either way, their jaw dropped to the ground. Neither knew what to say. No words came to them or were even thought by the pair as they sat in utter confusion. Where had Dartmoor gone? With all the tents, sleeping bags and muddy walking boots? Everything had been replaced. Their large, heavy weatherproof rucksacks had been replaced with ones of material and leather. Their boots were now just simple, brown flimsy material with tough soles underneath. There hoodies on which they slept were now long wonderfully soft, brown coloured cloaks.

Was this a dream? Or maybe a nightmare? Or was this real? No it couldn’t be. Hadassah said this aloud without thinking. Melanie looked over to her. She knew that it wasn’t, and as she explained to Hadassah what had happened the night before, Hadassah’s eyes widened.

This account was clarified when, through the opening of the tent, three young men came through to greet Hadassah and Melanie. They wore tunics, heavy boots, and shirts, each a different colour. One of the young men wore a dark grey shirt underneath the tunic, to go with the single jewelled circlet of gold on the mop of brown hair. Another a dark blue, to go with a similar circlet of silver on the mop of ginger hair. The last person wore a gold belt and green tunic also to match a crowning circlet of gold.

‘Goodness me, I didn’t recognise you guys!’ said Hadassah as Melanie leapt forwards towards Lucas, much happier that everyone was altogether. Hadassah also tried to get up from the cold, hard, uncomfortable ground that was hidden by the covers and blankets that lay around her. As she did so, she tripped neatly over the sleeping Lydia and fell back onto the ground. Then, to the surprise of her own self, she realised she had tripped over an ankle-length, long sleeved dress that she was wearing. It was a coral red colour and matched a circlet, dotted with blood red rubies. Her hair was tied back from her face by plaits which joined together, and then let the hair fall, like fiery, red, flames ablaze down her back

‘This is a miracle, you never wear dresses!’ Chris chuckled.

‘Argh! And this is why!’ Hadassah said in frustration as she tripped and stumbled over the masses of material.

‘ Dess, it’s not that bad! That colour suits you so well, and your hair is beautiful.’ Melanie said softly. She received a scowl from her sister that could turn milk sour. Hadassah did not mean to scorn this compliment but she would much prefer jeans and a jumper. A feminine tunic at least.

Melanie turned her face away in disgust. She always had tried to help Hadassah but Hadassah would not accept this ‘help’ and would usually go and climb a tree instead.

‘Yeah, you’re used to it Mel!’ Hadassah replied rubbing her knees where a nice grass stain had already formed. ‘Nice mess I’m in.’

Melanie also appeared to be wearing a dress of the same style but in a light blue-purple colour. She too wore a silver circlet with white jewels encrusted in the woven metal. Her hair fell about her like a shimmering, golden waterfall. Glimmering in perfect light across her shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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