Chapter Three

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Levi POV

(Y/N) was following me to my office carrying her file, "Why are you following me?" She looked up at me with her big beautiful (e/c) eyes that for some reason made my heart melt, "I'm going to help you. I was framed for this murder after all, if I can get solid proof on the person who did kill your mother, that murder won't be pinned on me anymore!" I was shocked in a way, "Why do you care about not having my mother's murder in your file?" She said, "I told you. I never killed an innocent. She's the only one that's in my file that they could pin on me. They used anything to make me look like a bad person." I understood and we continued walking to my office.

I decided it was time for me to ask, "Why did you kill those criminals?" She smiled, "Ya know that story about Robin Hood. The peasant that stole to give to the poor. I really took that story to heart. Plus, I've always had a hankering for killing people sense I knew my life in the underground would go no where." I was shocked, "Hankering? For killing? Are you being serious?" She smiled once more, "No! I just hated what people did. I also hated that there was no justice in the underground. So, I took the job on for myself, sense the government wasn't going to anytime soon. That's why they hate me and fear me. They see that I see justice in a more... Important light. They don't. The people loved me because the more I killed, the more crime started to disappear. The more peace spread throughout the underground." I was taken back, "I see. You know, killing all those criminals is what the government would've done if they cared. That's why they hate you. They dont care about how your morals are better than theirs. They just hate being seen as lazy. You single handedly killed over 200 criminals. They've only killed about 50 in a matter of many generations." She nodded.

She looked down at the ground as we walked. I didn't know why she was doing that, there was no reason to be ashamed of anything.

We got to my office. I sat down and pointed to the chair on the other side of my desk. She sat in it, "I wanted to let you know. There is going to be a small debate on where you should go. Leaders of each group; the Scouting Legion, Military Police, and the lazy asses we call the Stationary Guards. To think we let our elites go to the SG when we need them here." She just nodded in agreement. I sighed opening my mother's file and seeing the sketch of her dead body. The details were surprisingly accurate.


I watched as the pain grew in his eyes. I hated seeing that look on his face. I remember killing a man and seeing his little girl crying over his body. I remember how her knees grew weak and I remember how she fell on her father's chest. I cold-heartedly left her there. Alone. I remember my cold, stoic self. Levi reminds me of that. Its difficult being that way all the time. I would know. I got up and walked over to him. He didn't seem to notice until I touched him.

I hugged him. He was stiff for longer than I expected. I said softly, "You can relax. I dont bite." He remained stiff, "You act like you haven't had any contact with anyone in years." He relaxed, "There see! Not too bad is it?" He just shook his head. I smiled feeling like I helped him feel better. I was wrong, I looked down and saw wet spots on the paper. I gently turned him my direction. I saw a sight no one has probably ever seen, Levi crying. I panicked, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! I swear! I'm sorry!" I bowed a couple times, "Don't worry. I've been holding this in for years upon years." He stood up, then I realized he was taller than me. He looked down at me with tears running down his face. I lifted up my shirt to his face, I wiped away his tears to the best of my ability with my shirt. He pushed my hand down and hugged me.

I was in complete shock. I wasn't expecting this to happen. He buried his face against my shoulder, "Well, aren't you going to... Hug back? I thought you were the hugging type." I slowly lifted up my arms and hugged him back. He cried a little longer. Not loudly, just soft cries that needed to be released. He said, "I'm sorry. I need to keep my appearance." I shook my head, "No you don't. Not everyone is as strong as you and I think people would like to see some emotion from you. I think everyone around here strives to be like you, stoic and cold. Emotionless. I think everyone, including you, need to show emotion better. Considering the situation we're stuck in, I think it'd be best." He nodded and continued to hug me.

Soon enough he let go. He looked down at me, "Thank you." I nodded and smiled, "My pleasure." He grinned. Not much. But I saw a slight grin. I saw the smile in his eyes.

I will never forget his smile.

I soon left his office to get us some food. I went to the mess hall when the bell rang. I walked in and everyone looked at me like I was an alien or like I was death. I didn't mind being feared. It kept people away and kept me safe. I walked over to where I could get some food, "I need two meals and a pot of hot Earl Gray tea. I also need some honey on the side." The lunch lady nodded fast. She said sheepishly, "We... We dont have any honey but we do have sugar... Not good sugar, but sugar. Also, I have to ask, why two meals? Everyone gets one meal and one meal only." I glared, "You will give me what I order. Understood?" she nodded fast, "Hey." She turned quickly towards me, "Yes, Miss?" I said, "Honey." She said, "Miss, we don't have any." I raised my eyebrow, "So, you wouldn't mind if I checked for it." Her eyes widened, "U-um no! Only staff is allowed!" I glared, "You liar. Honey. Or do I have to go to higher ups about this?" She quickly shook her head, "That's what I thought. I get what I want, when I want dammit." She nodded and went to the cabinet, grabbed honey and brought it to me, "Here's your honey, Miss." I smiled, "Go finish my order and dont try lying to me. I'll see right through you and your little friends." She nodded.

About 15 minutes later the meals were ready. I just needed the tea.

Levi POV

I saw how (Y/N) took charge of the room. Using the universal fear in her favor. I was shocked at how calm she was even when she was upset.

I will never forgot how intelligent she was.

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