Chapter One

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I walk through the market. Unknown face. Unknown as to what I'm doing. Until they see they are clueless. I walk to the fruit stand where the Military Police are giving the owner a hard time. They drop a strawberry on the ground and crush it, "See! It's even rotten! Old and deadly! No one needs to eat this poison! Am I right?" His buddies agreed, "So, you know what that means my little old crimple man? It means you're out of business." They proceed to kick his stand and break it down. Knocking fruit into the street to be stepped on. The old man just stood there with a blank expression, wanting to cry.

I put my hood up and walked over to them, "What's your guys problem?" They looked at me, "Oh, you want a beating too?" I kicked one of them in the face knocking him on the ground, "I don't think you'd be able to beat me in the first place." The other one said, "How dare you defy us!" He tried punching me, "That was cute." I then punched him in the gut, knocking him to the ground gasping for air. I kneed him in the face, "Lights out." The other one regaining some strength, "Want more?" He looked up at me, seeing my face, he suddenly looked terrified for his life, "You're... You're..." I glared, "I'm what? I'm who? Breathe a word, I dare you." He just ran off.

I turned to the old man, "Here." I handed him some money I didn't need, "Oh, I couldnt possibly." I grabbed his wrinkled hand softly, "Please. I don't need it. You do. Take it." He took the money and started picking up the fruits that weren't ruined and bits of the stand that were in good condition. I walked off, taking my hood off. I went to my home. It wasn't considered a home to the government, but that meant more money for me. My home was in a field where a large tree was. I had built a little home in the tree and lived there. The home I had built wasn't visible to anyone else because it was in the heart of the branches. I climbed up, opened the trap door, climbed in, locked the trap door, lit a lamp, and soon fell asleep.

I woke up, looked out my small window, and saw it was almost time. It was almost time for me to redeem myself for all my wrongs.

I walked to to wall gate. I snuck out while the drunken guards weren't looking. I had brought my pickaxe with me. When I was outside the walls, that's when I started climbing up the wall.

It had taken me hours, almost the whole day to climb, but I was fast enough to get up before dark. I snuck around the cannons, avoiding the Military Police. Once, the MP was in the process of switching off that's when I was planning my debt to be paid.

I picked the most beautiful view. I walked to the edge. I put my arms out, "Goodbye." I closed my eyes. Braced myself. Then, I began to lean forward, to my doom.

That's when I felt a hand grab my arm tightly. I was slipping off. I felt another hand grab onto me and heard them cry for help. I was off the edge and was being held by those hands. Soon, those hands turned into someone arms wrapping around me. I heard their heavy breathing as I laid on their chest. Tears streaming down my face. I laid their, grabbing onto their shirt and crying. I soon made their shirt wet from my tears, but they never let go or pushed me away. They just embraced me. Rocking me back and forth asking me why and how questions. I gave no response. I just buried my face asking myself the same questions. I felt their heart beating out of their chest. I felt every breath they took. I heard every beat of their heart. It was so beautiful, and yet I wanted to take that away from myself. How selfish. They wrapped their jacket around me noticing I was shivering.

They still held me tightly. Not knowing who I was. Who I am. How can someone be so kind? So gentle? They began to get up. I heard him say gently, "Wrap your legs around my waist so I can carry you easier." I did as he said. Has he walked he lightly yelled at the MP for not noticing me and saying they could've prevented it, but weren't smart enough to. Calling them brats and often clicking his tongue at them. I still having my face buried against his neck.

I will never forget his warmth.

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