Out of the Underground (3)

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The two of us passed the windmill as we continued through the rugged snow field, nearing the river person at the riverbank. The small crunches of snow that could be heard with every footstep were broken by Chara, who whispered over that it wouldn't be a good idea for her to be seen by the river person, or anyone in general for that matter. I nodded in return and took the lead as she slowed down behind me.

"Young boy. It is a surprise to see one such as yourself in these places." The river person proclaimed as I quickly trudged over towards him.

"Suppose so..." I smiled weakly. "Could say the same for yourself, no? Didn't everyone leave this place?"

The hooded figure shook his faceless head fervently. "I was born on this boat and I will die on this boat. It is my duty to serve the passerbys of the underground."

I took a second to try and imagine what was just said, but shook it off and thanked him - especially as I was in dire need of getting home to everyone. "So, boy, where may you need to go?"

I thought about the course I should take. "The closest place to the barrier is the Core, right? Me and my frie..."

Wait, where's Chara?


I looked around the constant plains of snow in search of her glistening, crimson eyes, but she was nowhere to be seen. Did she really leave me so suddenly? I know she couldn't exactly hop on board with me but was that really it? I turned back around and sighed. Everything felt so empty all of a sudden, even with the river person next to me. Funny, this must be how she felt during all this time without the monsters, even then, she didn't exactly have anyone to confide in, anyways.

"Have you lost something? Someone?" I quickly recollected myself and sprang into the small wooden boat next to me.

"Me! Nooo, I was just contemplating life. I guess I'd like to go to Core please! As quickly as possible."

The river person obeyed, but looked back awkwardly. "What have you been eating, boy? You are heavier than you look." I shrugged unknowingly as I wondered whether physics worked differently under the surface.


The boat suddenly arose above the water, and I looked underneath to see a pair of sprouting legs. I thought aloud. "Yeah... Pretty sure physics work a little differently here."

"Hmm? I believe I misheard you, boy ."

"Oh, I was just, um, admiring how... economic this is."

"Haha, it really is, isn't it?".


As we rode through the underground at a surprisingly fast pace, I caught glimpses of Waterfall and the Hotlands, making note to visit them sometime as they really did look beautiful. I wanted to ask the river man what he knew of Chara, or perhaps anything else but I think I got more than I bargained for today, any more and it'll sound selfish. I do still need to to deal with my parents.


I got off the boat near the entrance to the Core as the river person gave me directions to New Home, then I bid him farewell. I turned around, still sad about Chara, but I trusted that I'd see her again soon so I walked onwards.



I fell backwards onto the metallic flooring as Chara playfully laughed at my expense. "Chara! Where the Hell did you-!? Where were you?"

She tilted her head, "I was always here, silly! I was even on the boat with you." What? I got up and dusted myself off. I pondered, she is a little supernatural, I guess. Just a little.

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