"Charlotte, listen to me, please. I'm your big brother, Steve. Remember me?" he spoke slowly as he watched her face for any sort of reaction. To his disappointment, but not surprise, she didn't give him any sort of physical reaction.

"My name isn't Charlotte." she snarled before she moved herself into a fighting stance. In her eyes, all he was to her was a red, white, and blue moving target. Nothing more, nothing less. She knew what he was saying couldn't be true. 

Or could it be?

The soldier shook her head to clear the thought. There was no way it could be true, she had never seen him before in her life up until their fight yesterday. With one last glance over her target, she launched herself at him.

Steve only had a split second to process what was happening before she had knocked him onto his back again. Expecting her to be as light as she used to be back in the forties, Steve attempted to pick her off of him by the waist. When she didn't budge, Steve's eyes widened in fear. He was going to be in for a tough fight, especially since he really didn't want to be fighting his little sister, the person he had sworn to protect ever since she was born.

Steve brought his feet up into the soldier's stomach and finally heaved her off of him, allowing him to scramble to his feet yet again. Before the soldier could regain her composure, Steve attacked her. All he wanted to do was incapacitate her, not kill her. So, he attacked her from behind and grabbed her arm.

Steve used his extra weight to throw her over his shoulder and onto the ground on her stomach. She wasn't the light woman he had known in the forties anymore. Now, she was pure muscle. Along with what Steve assumed to be a heavy, metal arm. As the soldier hurried back to her feet, Steve took the time to try and convince her to stop fighting him.

"Charlotte, please. Let me help you. I-I miss you and I love you. Please, don't do this." Steve pleaded with her. Tears began to form in the corner of his eyes the longer he stared at the broken form of his little sister. She didn't know him, there was no hint of recognition and that broke Steve's already  broken heart.

"Charlotte, please...come back to me."

"STOP!" the soldier exploded as a confused expression crossed over her facial features. Her hands began to shake the longer they stood still, so she rushed forward in a hazy panic and in a whirl of black and blonde, she had Steve in a choke hold. 

With a strangled gasp, Steve's hands flew to the metal arm wrapped tightly around his throat. His attempts to release her hold on him were futile, she was too strong. Slowly, Steve began to see black spots cloud his vision. 

"Прости(forgive)." the soldier muttered as she released her grip on Steve's throat. Steve inhaled as much air as he could before he looked for his sister. She seemed to have remembered him, if only for just a moment. But at least it was a step in the right direction.

Steve shook his head and took a few more deep breaths before he stood up and headed towards the helicarrier once more. Before he took a leap of faith towards the wing of the gigantic flying hunk of metal, Steve spoke into his comm piece.

"She's remembering. I'm not sure how much or if it was just a one time thing, but she didn't kill me when she could have. That makes her all the more dangerous so be careful everyone." Steve warned before he began his running start towards the helicarrier. With a good leap off the edge of the tarmac, Steve easily landed in the middle of the wing.

"Alpha locked. Thanks for the heads up, Cap." Sam spoke through the comms as Steve tried to assess the best way into the helicarrier. Quickly, he spotted a window and raced over. With the edge of his shield, Steve easily shattered the glass and slipped inside.

Once on the inside, Steve scanned for any threats before he began to make his way towards the control panel of the helicarrier. It didn't take Steve very long before he reached his destination. As he stood and assessed the best way to get into the internal system, he absentmindedly reached towards his neck to rub it.

But as soon as he touched the skin there, he pulled his hand away and hissed in pain. There would definitely be bruises there if there weren't already. Instead of focusing on that, however, he finally found a way to get into the hard drive of the helicarrier. He quickly ripped out one of the many chips already in place and replaced it with his own. 

"Bravo locked."


Okay guys, quick update about my normally hectic life. School starts back up in a week and a half, but it'll be my senior year and I will be swamped with AP classes and homework. Not to mention the fact that I will also be trying to balance out my social life, school work, and my job at the same time as I begin the hectic search for colleges and scholarships to apply for. I will try my very best to get out an update at least once a week, but I wanted to forewarn everyone before hand so there wouldn't be any surprises come the start of school. Also, I appreciate every single one of you who vote and comment. These brighten up my day and further encourage me to update so a sincere thank you to all of you!

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